Smart speaker uses AI to detect irregular heart rhythms in the room

Scientists at the University of Washington (UW) have leveraged modern machine learning technology to produce a prototype smart speaker that can monitor a person’s heart, without the need for them to physical touch it. The contactless method of tracking… Continue reading Smart speaker uses AI to detect irregular heart rhythms in the room

Depression detectable through heart rate fluctuations, small study finds

New research, presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology’s Virtual Congress, has shown depression can be detected by monitoring fluctuations in a person’s heart rate over a 24-hour period. The small, proof-of-concept study certainly n… Continue reading Depression detectable through heart rate fluctuations, small study finds

Tiny sensor can be worn on clothing to track health of heart and lungs

The faint, subtle vibrations created by our beating hearts and inflating lungs may be faint and subtle, but can reveal important information about our general well-being. A tiny new sensor that can be worn in items of clothing could offer a new way to … Continue reading Tiny sensor can be worn on clothing to track health of heart and lungs

Heartwatch Monitors Your Ticker

The heart! A pump of the most fantastical kind, it is capable of operating for decades without rest. It’s responsible for supplying vital oxygen to the body’s subsystems, and can be readily monitored with modern technology. [Dave Vernooy] wanted to build a watch that could take heartrate and blood oxygen measurements – so he did.

Named Heartwatch, the device is a DIY smartwatch build with a bunch of exciting features. Heart monitoring is taken care of by the MAX30102 sensor which integrates all the hardware to sense heart rate and oxygen saturation into a single tiny plastic package. There’s then …read more

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RoGeorge Attacks a Pulse Meter

The “Crivit Sports” is an inexpensive chest-strap monitor that displays your current pulse rate on a dedicated wristwatch. This would be much more useful, and presumably more expensive, if it had a logging option, or any way to export your pulse data to a more capable device. So [RoGeorge] got to work. Each post of the (so-far) three-part series is worth a read, not the least because of the cool techniques used.

In part one, [RoGeorge] starts out by intercepting the signals. His RF sniffer? An oscilloscope probe shorted out in a loop around the heart monitor. Being able to …read more

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Easy-Peasy Heart Monitor

If you’re at all into medical hacks, you’ve doubtless noticed that the medical industry provides us with all manner of shiny toys to play with. Case in point is a heart-monitoring IC that’s so brand new, it’s not even available in all of the usual distributors yet. [Ashwin], who runs a small prototyping-supplies company, ProtoCentral, has been playing around with the new MAX30003 ECG chip, and the results look great.

The punchline is that the four-to-five dollar chip does everything for you, including analog filtering, wander removal, and even detecting the pulse rate. Using the chip is simple: you plug …read more

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Easy-Peasy Heart Monitor

If you’re at all into medical hacks, you’ve doubtless noticed that the medical industry provides us with all manner of shiny toys to play with. Case in point is a heart-monitoring IC that’s so brand new, it’s not even available in all of the usual distributors yet. [Ashwin], who runs a small prototyping-supplies company, ProtoCentral, has been playing around with the new MAX30003 ECG chip, and the results look great.

The punchline is that the four-to-five dollar chip does everything for you, including analog filtering, wander removal, and even detecting the pulse rate. Using the chip is simple: you plug …read more

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