South Australia plans world’s largest electrolyzer and H2 power plant

The state that built the world’s first grid-level “big battery” is striking out on an even more ambitious green energy project: the world’s biggest hydrogen power station, fed by an electrolysis facility 10 times larger than anything running today.Cont… Continue reading South Australia plans world’s largest electrolyzer and H2 power plant

Form Energy’s ultra-cheap iron-air batteries to get $760M factory

One of the most exciting companies in grid-level renewable energy storage – if you’re the type to get excited about this kind of thing – is Form Energy, whose innovative iron-air technology promises to outperform lithium “big battery” projects at 10% o… Continue reading Form Energy’s ultra-cheap iron-air batteries to get $760M factory

Swords to ploughshares: Hyme re-jigs old power plants for clean energy

Denmark’s Hyme Energy wants to save decommissioned fossil-fuel heat and power plants by repurposing them as super-cheap renewable energy storage and release facilities, using cutting-edge molten salt technology borrowed from the advanced nuclear sector… Continue reading Swords to ploughshares: Hyme re-jigs old power plants for clean energy

China turns on the world’s largest compressed air energy storage plant

The clean energy revolution will require huge amounts of energy storage, to buffer against the intermittent power delivered by solar and wind. Some of that will come in the form of big battery installations – but there’s a huge lithium supply shortage … Continue reading China turns on the world’s largest compressed air energy storage plant

“Brick toaster” aims to cut global CO2 emissions by 15% in 15 years

A quarter of humanity’s carbon emissions come from industrial energy use – and a huge portion of that energy goes into creating heat for various processes. And right there lies a slam-dunk decarbonization opportunity that’ll pay for itself incredibly q… Continue reading “Brick toaster” aims to cut global CO2 emissions by 15% in 15 years

Rechargeable aluminum: The cheap solution to seasonal energy storage?

Aluminum has an energy density more than 50 times higher than lithium ion, if you treat it as an energy storage medium in a redox cycle battery. Swiss scientists are developing the technology as a renewable energy stash for the European winter.Continue… Continue reading Rechargeable aluminum: The cheap solution to seasonal energy storage?

World’s first commercial sand battery begins energy storage in Finland

Wind and solar power are intermittent, generating power when it’s available rather than when it’s needed, so the green energy transition will require huge amounts of energy storage. This could end up taking many forms, from conventional lithium-based “… Continue reading World’s first commercial sand battery begins energy storage in Finland

Energy Dome launches world’s first CO2 battery energy storage facility

Italian company Energy Dome has opened the first of its remarkable grid-level energy storage plants. These “CO2 batteries” can store renewable energy over long periods and release it quickly, at less than half the cost of big lithium batteries.Continue… Continue reading Energy Dome launches world’s first CO2 battery energy storage facility

Lift Energy Storage System: Turning skyscrapers into gravity batteries

Renewable energy is intermittent, so energy storage and release will be critical in the next few decades. IIASA researchers have put forth a fascinating solution, proposing to turn skyscrapers into giant gravity batteries for remarkably cheap renewable… Continue reading Lift Energy Storage System: Turning skyscrapers into gravity batteries

Ocean Battery stores renewable energy at the bottom of the sea

As useful as renewable energy sources are, they need to be backed up by storage systems that hold energy for times when the Sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Ocean Battery is a new design for an energy storage system that functions a bit lik… Continue reading Ocean Battery stores renewable energy at the bottom of the sea