GoPro Volta brings more power, remote control and a minipod to the Hero

While the GoPro Hero is still pretty much the name in actioncams, it can sometimes be fiddly to operate, plus its battery life may be too short for some uses. The new Volta is designed to address those shortcomings, combining one-handed controls with a… Continue reading GoPro Volta brings more power, remote control and a minipod to the Hero

GoPro Hero10 Black packs a new processor for sharper, smoother video

Today marks the official unveiling of GoPro’s latest actioncam, the Hero10 Black. Its most notable feature is the new GP2 processor, which allows for higher frame rates and better stabilized video – among other things.Continue ReadingCategory: Photogra… Continue reading GoPro Hero10 Black packs a new processor for sharper, smoother video

GoPro unveils 5K, dual-screened, hyper-smooth Hero9 Black

When it comes to actioncams, the name that everyone knows is GoPro. The company has just announced its latest model, the Hero9 Black, which is promised to be sharper, smoother and “screenier” than any of its predecessors.Continue ReadingCategory: Photo… Continue reading GoPro unveils 5K, dual-screened, hyper-smooth Hero9 Black

Hackaday Links: September 13, 2020

Like pretty much every other big conference, the Chaos Communication Conference is going virtual this year. What was supposed to be 37C3 has been rebranded as rC3, the remote Chaos Experience. It’s understandable, as a 17,000 person live event would have not only been illegal but a bit irresponsible in …read more

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Hackaday Links: August 23, 2020

Apple, the world’s first trillion-dollar company — give or take a trillion — has built a bit of libertarian cachet by famously refusing to build backdoors into their phones, despite the entreaties of the federal government. So it came as a bit of a surprise when we read that the …read more

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Hackaday Links: August 9, 2020

We regret to admit this, but we completely missed the fact that Windows 10 turned five years old back in March. Granted, things were a little weird back then — at least it seemed weird at the time; from the current perspective, things were downright normal then. Regardless, our belated …read more

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GoPro gives Hero8 Black actioncam new lease of life as a webcam

Chances are good that you’ve not been getting much use out of your Hero8 Black for the last few months. And you may have also found dedicated webcams in short supply. Now macOS users can put their actioncams to work as a webcam thanks to some beta soft… Continue reading GoPro gives Hero8 Black actioncam new lease of life as a webcam

Print-in-Place Helping Hand Grabs A Hold Of Your PCB

We probably don’t have to promote the benefits of a third hand or PCB holders in general, such is their obvious utility. While you can arrange some boxes and pile up tools on your bench to get a similar result, a good grip and flexibility to move the PCB around …read more

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A Cheap And Easy GoPro Mount For Model Rocketry

Launching model rockets is fun, but the real meat of the hobby lies in what you do next. Some choose to instrument their rockets or carry other advanced payloads. [seamster] likes to film his flights, and built a nosecone camera package to do so. 

A GoPro is the camera of …read more

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