Lenovo smart glasses create a virtual big screen on the go

Although companies keep trying to make the metaverse happen, most people would probably be happy with our own reality given a little augmentation. Lenovo has now announced a new wearable display called the Lenovo Glasses T1, which can connect to phones… Continue reading Lenovo smart glasses create a virtual big screen on the go

Touch-sensitive LCD sunglasses become reading glasses on command

While many people have bifocal everyday glasses, their sunglasses tend to be single-vision. The new 32ºN sunglasses, however, let users switch over to a “reading glasses” mode with a simple swipe of their finger.Continue ReadingCategory: Wearables, Tec… Continue reading Touch-sensitive LCD sunglasses become reading glasses on command

Ground-breaking night-vision film can be applied to regular glasses

Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) have developed a new type of night-vision technology that is the first of its kind. Taking the form of an ultra-thin film, it can be applied directly to glasses to act as a filter, needing only a s… Continue reading Ground-breaking night-vision film can be applied to regular glasses

App-controlled smart sunglasses change tint on demand

Tech startup Ampere has smartened up the humble sunglasses with Dusk, a pair of shades that change tint on demand via a phone app or a button press. A deluxe model also packs built-in speakers and a microphone for making calls.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading App-controlled smart sunglasses change tint on demand

Apple Glass may feature 3D Audio and Self-Cleaning in new patent

By Deeba Ahmed
A new patent applied by Apple suggests Apple Glass would have an automatic cleaning function called self-cleaning or opticals.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Apple Glass may feature 3D Audio and Self-Cleaning in… Continue reading Apple Glass may feature 3D Audio and Self-Cleaning in new patent

Denim Sunglasses Frames Use a Wicked Set of Jigs

An obligatory “Future’s so bright I gotta wear… denim” joke is the only way to kick off this article. Sorry!

Now that that’s out of the way, how would you turn your own blue jeans into sunglasses? Well you wouldn’t, unless you’ve built an intricate jig for assembling sunglasses frames …read more

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A Reminder Not To Touch Your Face

In 2020, the world is focused on the rampant spread of a new virus by the name of COVID-19. Like many infectious diseases, transmission can be reduced by good hygiene practices. To help in the fight, [Nick Bild] threw together a device he calls Sentinel.

The concept is simple. Reduce …read more

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Norm AR glasses pack smart tech into regular specs

Arguably the thing that killed Google Glass was how dorky they looked – most people didn’t want to walk around every day looking like a bad Star Trek cosplayer. Whether or not that’s the real reason augmented reality (AR) glasses never took o… Continue reading Norm AR glasses pack smart tech into regular specs

Eye-tracking, depth-sensing "autofocal" glasses keep everything looking sharp

No matter how good your eyesight, there’s a decent chance that it’ll start to fade at a certain point in your life. Presbyopia is a common form of age-induced far-sightedness, where the lenses in the eyes become stiff and have trouble focusin… Continue reading Eye-tracking, depth-sensing "autofocal" glasses keep everything looking sharp

Bone Conducting Headphones Built Into Eye Glasses

There are times when being seen to listen to music through headphones might get you into trouble. For these moments, reach for a handy solution: bone conduction speakers that discreetly pipe the music to your eardrums through the bone of your skull. [Samuel] wanted just such a covert music listening …read more

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