Doomscroll Precisely, and Wirelessly

An animated GIF of Engineer Bo's Precision Bluetooth Scroll Wheel wirelessly, and effortlessly scrolling down the Hack A Day blog with a single finger

Around here, we love it when someone identifies a need and creates their own solution. In this case, [Engineer Bo] was tired of endless and imprecise scrolling with a mouse …read more Continue reading Doomscroll Precisely, and Wirelessly

Revolutionary new wheelchair boasts hands-free backrest-based steering

Steering a wheelchair to the left or right can be a strenuous, inefficient process, in that you have to brake with one rear wheel while pushing harder on the other. A clever new chair addresses that problem in a brilliant fashion, by using a moveable b… Continue reading Revolutionary new wheelchair boasts hands-free backrest-based steering

Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs

The vabsRider is claimed to be

If you don’t want a part of your body to get sore, then that part shouldn’t be pushing against something that doesn’t move along with it. That’s the thinking behind the vabsRider bicycle saddle, the two sides of which pivot in time with your pedaling.

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Air Seat aims to put full-floating suspension under cyclists’ butts

Nobody likes getting a sore bum when cycling. The Air Seat is made with that fact in mind, as it adds what is described as a “full-floating” coil suspension system to existing saddles.Continue ReadingCategory: Bicycles, TransportTags: Cycling, Suspensi… Continue reading Air Seat aims to put full-floating suspension under cyclists’ butts

Dual-lift standing desk brings your computer screen to eye level

Sitting at an office desk all day, every day is generally considered to be bad for our health. Standing desks are here to get you on your feet while working, but the Dual Lift Standing Desk is designed to give your screen an extra lift as well.Continue… Continue reading Dual-lift standing desk brings your computer screen to eye level