Lightweight Unit One gives shipping containers the high-tech treatment

It’s easy to think of shipping containers as simple metal boxes, that can’t be significantly improved. The Unit One container, however, is claimed to be lighter, stronger and more energy-efficient than others, plus it uses multiple sensors to monitor i… Continue reading Lightweight Unit One gives shipping containers the high-tech treatment

“64-dimensional quantum space” drastically boosts quantum computing

Scientists have demonstrated a powerful technique that will allow quantum computers to store much more information in photons of light. The team managed to encode eight levels of data into photons and read it back easily, representing an exponential le… Continue reading “64-dimensional quantum space” drastically boosts quantum computing

Carbon nanotubes boost efficiency in “nanobionic” bacterial solar cells

Engineers at EPFL have found a way to insert carbon nanotubes into photosynthetic bacteria, which greatly improves their electrical output. They even pass these nanotubes down to their offspring when they divide, through what the team calls “inherited … Continue reading Carbon nanotubes boost efficiency in “nanobionic” bacterial solar cells

First material found to “remember” its own history

Researchers at EPFL have discovered a material that seems to be able to “remember” all of its past encounters with stimuli, such as electrical currents. The compound could come in handy for better data storage and processing.Continue ReadingCategory: M… Continue reading First material found to “remember” its own history

Non-invasive brain stimulation helps older adults learn new motor skills

It’s unsurprising but unfortunate that as we get older, our capacity to learn new skills diminishes. But a new study by researchers at EPFL has found that non-invasive electrical brain stimulation can help older adults learn new motor skills much faste… Continue reading Non-invasive brain stimulation helps older adults learn new motor skills

Plant-based plastic strong as PET, degrades into sugars in the environment

Plastics are tough and versatile materials, which is great when they’re in use but not so good when they end up in the environment. Scientists at EPFL have now developed a new PET-like plastic material derived from waste plant matter that can be chemic… Continue reading Plant-based plastic strong as PET, degrades into sugars in the environment

Existing cancer drug boosts brain genes to improve memory and learning

Researchers at EPFL have found that an existing drug used to treat cancer, among other things, also seems to improve memory. Intriguingly, tests in mice show that the drug works by switching on genes associated with brain plasticity.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Existing cancer drug boosts brain genes to improve memory and learning