US pours $3.5 billion into direct air capture hubs for carbon removal

As part of its ambitions to move to a net-zero economy by 2050, the US Department of Energy (DOE) has been ramping up its plans to facilitate removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and drive down the cost of the technology required to do so. The… Continue reading US pours $3.5 billion into direct air capture hubs for carbon removal

Brilliant Planet plans cheap, gigaton-scale carbon capture using algae

As humanity fights to keep its only planet from becoming inhospitable, most of the focus will rightly be on decarbonizing everything we practically can. But it won’t be enough. Direct air capture will need to be part of the equation, and it’ll need to … Continue reading Brilliant Planet plans cheap, gigaton-scale carbon capture using algae

Elon Musk’s $100-million Carbon Removal XPrize announces first winners

The largest XPrize competition ever conducted has given out its first prize money, with 23 student teams receiving cash injections to further their carbon removal technologies. Among the winners are a mix of forward-thinking projects that take aim at t… Continue reading Elon Musk’s $100-million Carbon Removal XPrize announces first winners

Climate startup taps harsh Australian sun for scalable carbon capture

Some questions remain over their capacity to really put a dent in the problem, but direct air capture (DAC) systems that collect carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are starting to take shape as new tools in the fight against climate change. A company a… Continue reading Climate startup taps harsh Australian sun for scalable carbon capture

World’s largest direct air capture plant starts absorbing CO2 in Iceland

An ambitious startup looking to eat into the world’s carbon emissions has just taken its biggest bite yet, flicking the switch on the largest direct air capture and CO2 storage plant on the planet. Climework’s latest facility is designed to suck carbon… Continue reading World’s largest direct air capture plant starts absorbing CO2 in Iceland

High Hopes claims stratospheric breakthrough in direct air CO2 capture

In the race to get humanity toward zero carbon emissions by 2050, the vast majority of efforts will rightly be focused on reducing emissions at their source. But there are areas where this simply won’t be possible, and as carbon taxes gradually rise ar… Continue reading High Hopes claims stratospheric breakthrough in direct air CO2 capture