Autonomous Software Drones?
We review DEF CON 24, the main event of the show, the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge and why DEF CON may have jumped the shark.
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We review DEF CON 24, the main event of the show, the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge and why DEF CON may have jumped the shark.
The much-anticipated DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge has taken place at DEF CON Continue reading Resistance is futile: DARPA’s competition to automate security
DARPA announced on Thursday that a computer system designed by a team of Pittsburgh-based researchers is the presumptive winner of the Agency’s Cyber Grand Challenge. The winning computer system, dubbed Mayhem, was created by a team known as ForAllSecure—one of seven teams that competed for nearly $4 million in prizes in an all-day competition, performed in front of 5,000 computer security professionals and others at the Paris Las Vegas Conference Center. Xandra, a computer system … More → Continue reading Can a computer system compete against human CTF experts?
DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge is set to culminate Thursday with a competition at DEF CON it’s calling the CGC Final Event. Continue reading Bug Hunting Cyber Bots Set to Square Off at DEF CON
Old, but interesting. The document was published by DARPA in 1973, and approved for release in 2007. It examines the role of deception on strategic warning systems, and possible actions to protect from strategic foreign deception…. Continue reading DARPA Document: "On Countering Strategic Deception"
Stand aside, slow-moving humans, as machines tear apart security defenses, digging out and automagically patching security holes! Continue reading DARPA to stage an AI hacking tournament at DEF CON/Black Hat
Why we can’t detect all security loopholes and patch them before hackers exploit them?
Because… we know that humans are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs, which is why vulnerabilities like Heartbleed, POODLE and GHOST remained undetected for decades and rendered almost half of the Internet vulnerable to theft by the time patches were rolled out.
Now to solve this hurdle, DARPA
Continue reading DARPA Challenges Hackers to Create Automated Hacking System — WIN $2 Million
If you are like most people, your drone flights start on the ground and end either on the ground or–in more cases than most of us want to admit–in a tree. Earlier this year, DARPA awarded initial contracts for the Gremlins program. The idea is to produce unmanned aircraft that can launch from another aircraft and then later have another aircraft recover it.
The idea is to allow a plane to launch an unmanned sensor, for example, while out of range of enemy fire. Later another aircraft can retrieve the drone where a ground crew would get it ready for …read more
Without adequate analysis and algorithms, mass surveillance is not the answer to fighting terrorism and tracking suspects.
That’s what President Obama had learned last year when he signed the USA Freedom Act, which ends the bulk collection of domestic… Continue reading U.S. developing Technology to Identify and Track Hackers Worldwide
By Waqas
Pentagon’s DARPA Desperate for Developing One-Of-A-Kind Encryption Enabled Messaging App.
This is a post from Read the original post: Pentagon Wants One-of-A-Kind Encryption Enabled Messaging App
Continue reading Pentagon Wants One-of-A-Kind Encryption Enabled Messaging App