Blowhole wave energy could soon be world’s cheapest clean power

The UniWave sea platform is an artificial blowhole that harvests energy from ocean waves. Independent analysts now predict it’ll create some of the cheapest renewable energy on the market – and some of the most reliable and predictable, as well.Continu… Continue reading Blowhole wave energy could soon be world’s cheapest clean power

Mysterious folded diamonds traced back to ancient dwarf planet cataclysm

Australian scientists have discovered strangely folded diamonds in rare meteorite samples. In investigating how they came to form, the team found evidence that they were forged in a cataclysm on an ancient dwarf planet.Continue ReadingCategory: Materia… Continue reading Mysterious folded diamonds traced back to ancient dwarf planet cataclysm

What is gravitational lensing and how can the James Webb Telescope use it?

If you’ve seen the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) this week (and let’s face it, how could you not?), you might have heard the term “gravitational lensing” being thrown around. But what does it mean exactly? And how can it help … Continue reading What is gravitational lensing and how can the James Webb Telescope use it?

Study reports a big reduction in plastic waste on Australian beaches

Although there’s no doubt that marine plastic waste pollution is a major environmental problem, there may be at least a small sliver of hope. According to a new study, plastic trash on Australian beaches has actually decreased by almost a third in rece… Continue reading Study reports a big reduction in plastic waste on Australian beaches

Self-charging moisture battery promises sweat-powered wearables

Half of the solar energy that bathes the Earth in warmth goes into a single process, according to some researchers: evaporating the water that covers some 71 percent of our fragile blue marble. Australian company Strategic Elements wants that energy ba… Continue reading Self-charging moisture battery promises sweat-powered wearables

Telescope “sunglasses” reveal brightest extragalactic pulsar ever found

Astronomers have discovered what may be the brightest pulsar in the sky. Despite its intense light the pulsar has long evaded detection, and was only revealed thanks to a telescope equipped with some cosmic “sunglasses.”Continue ReadingCategory: Space,… Continue reading Telescope “sunglasses” reveal brightest extragalactic pulsar ever found

New data reveals secrets of million-light-year-wide “odd radio circles”

Astronomers may be a step closer to solving a cosmic mystery known as odd radio circles (ORCs). New images, captured by the MeerKAT radio telescope, are the clearest and most detailed yet taken of an ORC, helping to narrow down the list of suspects as … Continue reading New data reveals secrets of million-light-year-wide “odd radio circles”

New method allows vaccines to be stored for months without refrigeration

Researchers at Australia’s CSIRO have demonstrated a new way to protect the integrity of vaccines against high temperatures. A proof-of-concept study has shown the method keeping vaccines viable at temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius for three months… Continue reading New method allows vaccines to be stored for months without refrigeration

Special copper uses cavities to quickly and thoroughly kill bacteria

While copper does kill bacteria on contact, it typically takes at least an hour to do the job thoroughly. Such is not the case with an experimental new type of copper, however, which is claimed to eradicate almost 100 percent of harmful bacteria in jus… Continue reading Special copper uses cavities to quickly and thoroughly kill bacteria

How the bacteria in your mouth could be the reason you dislike broccoli

Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower – all members of the Brassica family – are inarguably healthy vegetables. They also have infamously bitter and pungent characteristics that some people find deeply unpleasant.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology… Continue reading How the bacteria in your mouth could be the reason you dislike broccoli