Super-strong coffee-reinforced concrete gets real-world test

Last year, researchers from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, found that replacing up to 15% of the sand ordinarily used in concrete with waste coffee grounds made it 30% stronger. It’s a case of killing two birds with one coffee bean: the produ… Continue reading Super-strong coffee-reinforced concrete gets real-world test

‘Absolute miracle’ breakthrough provides recipe for zero-carbon cement

Concrete and steel production are major sources of CO2 emissions, but a new solution from Cambridge could recycle both at the same time. Throwing old concrete into steel-processing furnaces not only purifies iron but produces “reactivated cement” as a … Continue reading ‘Absolute miracle’ breakthrough provides recipe for zero-carbon cement

Long-life low-carbon concrete switches 80% of its cement for coal ash

Coal ash is abundant around coal-fired power stations. In fact, that might be considerably understating things – globally, power stations produce around 1.2 billion tonnes annually, and in Australia coal ash accounts for nearly 20% of all waste. It’s a… Continue reading Long-life low-carbon concrete switches 80% of its cement for coal ash

Carbon-capturing concrete walls conceal a quirky Japanese house

The production of the cement used in concrete is a major contributor to worldwide CO2 emissions and since we’re reliant on the stuff for our infrastructure, this is a serious problem. However, Nendo showcases an example of a greener way to build with i… Continue reading Carbon-capturing concrete walls conceal a quirky Japanese house

Video: Giant robotic arm 3D-prints a two-story house

A new 3D construction printer from Icon can whip out two-story concrete buildings faster and cheaper than its previous Vulcan printer. It has already been used to build a 27-ft-high structure called Phoenix House, now on display in Austin, Texas.Contin… Continue reading Video: Giant robotic arm 3D-prints a two-story house

Phase-change concrete melts snow and ice without salt or shovels

Incorporating a phase-change material into concrete, researchers have created a self-heating material that can melt snow and ice for up to 10 hours without using salt or shovels. The novel material could reduce the need for plowing and salting and help… Continue reading Phase-change concrete melts snow and ice without salt or shovels

Graphene replaces sand to make lighter, stronger concrete

When you think of resources we’re running out of, sand might not be high on your list, but it’s up there thanks to our high demand for concrete. Scientists at Rice University have now shown that substituting graphene can not only save sand, but makes c… Continue reading Graphene replaces sand to make lighter, stronger concrete

Omer Arbel’s architectural masterpiece weaves nature with concrete

Renowned Canadian designer Omer Arbel has announced the completion of his latest project; a stunning family home dubbed 75.9 that’s nestled in a sprawling hayfield in the Canadian Pacific Northwest. What sets this impressive build apart is Arbel’s nove… Continue reading Omer Arbel’s architectural masterpiece weaves nature with concrete

Graphene oxide used to strengthen and electrify 3D-printed concrete

3D-printed concrete structures are claimed to be faster and cheaper to build than their traditional counterparts, but they’re not always as strong. That problem may soon be solved by adding a pinch of graphene oxide, which could also be used to detect … Continue reading Graphene oxide used to strengthen and electrify 3D-printed concrete