Identity Management Competition

Identity management is becoming one of the hottest markets in the IT space, which is interesting because the identity and access management (IAM) category has historically been controlled by one major player for many years. Recently, though, there has … Continue reading Identity Management Competition

OneLogin™ Competition

In the average organization, IT admins believe their company uses around 50 cloud services; in reality, it’s closer to 1,000 (Cisco). It’s not a surprise, then, that the web application single sign-on (SSO) market is a highly competitive, a… Continue reading OneLogin™ Competition

Google Cloud Identity Competition

Google is driving a lot of attention to their new Google Cloud Identity solution. It makes a lot of sense since they are locked in a major battle with Microsoft® and AWS® for cloud supremacy. But, many IT admins are wondering what the Google … Continue reading Google Cloud Identity Competition

Problems that Plagued an Edible Marble Machine

Prolific creator [Martin Raynsford] recently created a plus-sized edible version of his laser-cut Marble Machine for a Cake International exhibit and competition; it seemed simple to do at first but had quite a few gotchas waiting, and required some clever problem-solving.

The original idea was to assemble laser-cut gingerbread parts to make the machine. Gingerbread can be laser-cut quite well, and at first all seemed to be going perfectly well for [Martin]. However, after a few days the gingerbread was sagging badly. Fiddling with the recipe and the baking was to no avail, and it was clear [Martin] needed to …read more

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Surfboard Industry Wipes Out, Innovation Soon Follows

For decades, Gordon Clark and his company Clark Foam held an almost complete monopoly on the surfboard blank market. “Blanks” are pieces of foam with reinforcing wood strips (called “stringers”) in a rough surfboard shape that board manufacturers use to make a finished product, and Clark sold almost every single one of these board manufacturers their starting templates in the form of these blanks. Due to environmental costs, Clark suddenly shuttered his business in 2005 with virtually no warning. After a brief panic in the board shaping industry, and a temporary skyrocketing in price of the remaining blanks in existence, …read more

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Artificial Intelligence at the Top of a Professional Sport

The lights dim and the music swells as an elite competitor in a silk robe passes through a cheering crowd to take the ring. It’s a blueprint familiar to boxing, only this pugilist won’t be throwing punches.

OpenAI created an AI bot that has beaten the best players in the world at this year’s International championship. The International is an esports competition held annually for Dota 2, one of the most competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games.

Each match of the International consists of two 5-player teams competing against each other for 35-45 minutes. In layman’s terms, it is …read more

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Matt Alderman, Startup Categories – Startup Security Weekly #53

Paul, Michael, and Matt talk about categories in the startup industry. They differentiate between competition, being a market leader, and becoming stagnant in the startup world! Full Show Notes Visit for all the latest episodes!

The post Matt Alderman, Startup Categories – Startup Security Weekly #53 appeared first on Security Weekly.

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Welcome to the Drone Wars

“DroneClash” is a competition to be held on December 4th (save the date!) in a hangar at Valkenburg airfield in the Netherlands. The game? Teams try to destroy each others’ quadcopters, navigate through a “Hallway of Doom, Death, and Destruction”, and finally enter a final phase of the game where they try to defend their “queen” drone while taking out those of their opponents.

This sounds like crazy and reckless fun. Surprisingly, it’s being sponsored by the Technical University of Delft’s Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) lab. The goal is to enable a future of responsible drone use by having the …read more

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