Lions, tigers, bears, Oh my!: Agora’s best animal photos of 2020

Photography social network Agora’s latest contest focuses on the most incredible shots of animals from all around the globe. Baby monkeys, ferocious lions and a herd of elephants all feature in this special selection of highlights from the impressive p… Continue reading Lions, tigers, bears, Oh my!: Agora’s best animal photos of 2020

Russia’s massive Lakhta Center named skyscraper of the year

Information specialist Emporis has revealed the winner of its annual Skyscraper Award. From over 700 skyscrapers officially completed in 2019, the number one spot has gone to Russia’s massive Lakhta Center, which rises to a maximum height of 462 m (1,5… Continue reading Russia’s massive Lakhta Center named skyscraper of the year

Russia’s massive Lakhta Center named skyscraper of the year

Information specialist Emporis has revealed the winner of its annual Skyscraper Award. From over 700 skyscrapers officially completed in 2019, the number one spot has gone to Russia’s massive Lakhta Center, which rises to a maximum height of 462 m (1,5… Continue reading Russia’s massive Lakhta Center named skyscraper of the year

Grand visions from the 2020 International Photography Awards

The International Photography Awards is a massive, sprawling photo contest attracting thousands of entries spanning dozens of categories. From alien-like insects and cute pet snaps, to thrill-seeking extreme spots and majestic landscapes, this is one p… Continue reading Grand visions from the 2020 International Photography Awards

NASA announces public challenge to find ways to unload lunar landers

Having conquered space toilets, NASA, with crowd-sourcer HeroX, have announced a new challenge that invites the public to submit novel ways to unload lunar payloads. NASA’s Lunar Delivery Challenge is offering US$25,000 in prizes for the best ideas for… Continue reading NASA announces public challenge to find ways to unload lunar landers

Astonishing snaps from the 2020 Siena International Photo Awards

In its sixth year the Siena International Photo Awards continues to impress with a captivating array of celebrated shots, from astonishing images of fire and lightning highlighting the power of nature, to some sublime perspectives on life in lockdown.C… Continue reading Astonishing snaps from the 2020 Siena International Photo Awards

The breathtaking wide-angle winners of the 2020 Pano Awards

Focusing solely on the art of panoramic photography, the annual Pano Awards is easily the most consistently spectacular photo contest in the world. This year’s stunning array of highlights offers a deeply creative assortment of images, from sublime wid… Continue reading The breathtaking wide-angle winners of the 2020 Pano Awards

Lego Braille and social housing among 2020 design awards hopefuls

A total of 74 projects have been selected for the 2020 Beazley Designs of the Year shortlist. The variety of designs is genuinely impressive, encompassing everything from Braille Lego, to an uncensored library hosted in a Minecraft server, and a sustai… Continue reading Lego Braille and social housing among 2020 design awards hopefuls

High-in-the-sky snaps from the 2020 Aerial Photography Awards

In its inaugural year, the Aerial Photography Awards has delivered an exciting assortment of shots celebrating all kinds of high-flying imagery, from surreal helicopter landscapes to sublime drone-captured cityscapes.Continue ReadingCategory: Photograp… Continue reading High-in-the-sky snaps from the 2020 Aerial Photography Awards