National Amusements Reveals Data Breach Amid Backlash Affecting 82,000+

By Waqas
The company under criticism is National Amusements, the parent company of media giants such as Paramount and CBS.
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Coke not better at clearing food stuck in your throat, study finds

With Christmas almost upon us, many are undoubtedly looking forward to tucking into a tasty festive meal. In situations where food gets stuck in your throat, many people – including many medical professionals – recommend drinking Coca-Cola to clear the… Continue reading Coke not better at clearing food stuck in your throat, study finds

Australia has an incredible Christmas beetle, but it’s gone AWOL

When it comes to Australian animals, the first that come to mind are generally kangaroos, koalas and maybe a platypus or a killer crocodile. However, there’s a tiny, iridescent group of beetles that turn up every Christmas and hold a special place in t… Continue reading Australia has an incredible Christmas beetle, but it’s gone AWOL

Christmas tree genetically improved for less needly mess to clean up

Researchers have taken the best genetic characteristics of the Fraser fir, arguably the most popular choice for Christmas tree, and used them to create a tree that’s taller, prettier, and – importantly – sheds only a fraction of its needles.Continue Re… Continue reading Christmas tree genetically improved for less needly mess to clean up

Antenna Hidden in Holiday Lights Skirts HOA Rules

For all their supposed benefits, homeowner’s associations (HOAs) have a reputation of quickly turning otherwise quaint neighborhoods into a sort of Stanford prison experiment, as those who get even the …read more Continue reading Antenna Hidden in Holiday Lights Skirts HOA Rules

Fail of The Week: Epic 312 Weeks Of Fixing A Broken Project

If a hacker guardian angel exists, then we’re sure he or she was definitely AWOL for six long years from [Aaron Eiche]’s life as he worked on perfecting and making …read more Continue reading Fail of The Week: Epic 312 Weeks Of Fixing A Broken Project