Carbon nanofibers boost the hardness of 3D-printed aluminum

While 3D-printed aluminum parts are becoming increasingly common in the aerospace industry, any weaknesses in those parts can cause them to fail catastrophically. A new additive could help, by making the aluminum 1.5 times harder.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Carbon nanofibers boost the hardness of 3D-printed aluminum

New method smashes record for longest carbon nanotube forests ever made

Researchers at Waseda University in Japan have grown “forests” of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) longer than ever before. Using a new method, the team grew bunches of nanotubes up to 14 cm (5.5 in) long, which should help make it easier to scale up production… Continue reading New method smashes record for longest carbon nanotube forests ever made

Russian Espionage Group Updates Custom Malware Suite

Turla has outfitted a trio of backdoors with new C2 tricks and increased interop, as seen in an attack on a European government. Continue reading Russian Espionage Group Updates Custom Malware Suite

Metalized graphene nanoribbons make wires for all-carbon electronics

Silicon has been the material of choice for electronics for decades, but it’s beginning to bump up against efficiency limits. The next step could be carbon transistors and circuits, and now engineers at UC Berkeley have created metallic graphene nanori… Continue reading Metalized graphene nanoribbons make wires for all-carbon electronics

Radiocarbon dating curves recalibrated to boost archaeological accuracy

Our view of the ancient past is set to become a bit clearer after an international team of scientists completed a major recalibration of radiocarbon dating. The seven-year global effort used almost 15,000 samples from a variety of sources to draw new, … Continue reading Radiocarbon dating curves recalibrated to boost archaeological accuracy

Fluorinated membrane breaks a limit for capturing carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is an all too common waste product of industry, belched into the air in huge amounts from smokestacks. Now, researchers have developed a new type of fluorinated membrane that can selectively filter CO2 out of flue gas at the point of rel… Continue reading Fluorinated membrane breaks a limit for capturing carbon dioxide

Discarded human hair repurposed to make new OLED screens

Technology could really use some more sustainable sources, and now researchers at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have turned to an unusual one. The team has shown that human hair from barber shops can be used to create OLED displays.Cont… Continue reading Discarded human hair repurposed to make new OLED screens

Slow-mo video captures motion of single molecules at 1,600 fps

The world of atoms and molecules is tricky to study, not just because it’s so small but because events occur so quickly at that scale. Now, researchers at the University of Tokyo have captured slow motion video of the movements of single molecules at 1… Continue reading Slow-mo video captures motion of single molecules at 1,600 fps

Fuel From Water Using Only an Arc Welder

Water, high currents, blinding balls of plasma, and a highly flammable gas that’s toxic enough to kill you in three minutes if you breathe enough of it. What’s not to love about this plasma-powered water gas generator?

In all seriousness, [NightHawkInLight] is playing with some dangerous stuff here, and he’s …read more

Continue reading Fuel From Water Using Only an Arc Welder

Diamond nanothreads could store thrice the energy of Li-ion batteries

Satisfying the energy needs of a growing population in a sustainable way calls for some inventive solutions, and ones not necessarily limited to the confines of battery chemistry. Solutions to storing energy in mechanical systems instead could include … Continue reading Diamond nanothreads could store thrice the energy of Li-ion batteries