New report reveals pause in rise of carbon dioxide emissions in 2019

According to the latest report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2019 global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions stayed steady from the previous year. That’s cause for some cautious optimism, as it’s better than continued growth, of co… Continue reading New report reveals pause in rise of carbon dioxide emissions in 2019

Deep roots, edited genes and a plan to fight climate change with supercharged plants

There are quite a few ways we could benefit from tweaking the genetic makeup of plants. Scientists making breakthroughs in this area hail exciting new possibilities around improved crop security, new kinds of naturally sourced medicines, and … Continue reading Deep roots, edited genes and a plan to fight climate change with supercharged plants

Carbon dioxide could be converted into graphene

Carbon dioxide is kind of painted as the villain of the 21st century, and it’s not enough to just reduce our emissions now – we need to remove some of what’s already in the atmosphere. Now, researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KI… Continue reading Carbon dioxide could be converted into graphene

Earth has room to reforest an area the size of the United States, but it’s no silver bullet for climate change

Trees are an unquestionably important part of our environment, and their ability to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen means they could play a key role in offsetting the worst effects of climate change. But just how effective would they be? A… Continue reading Earth has room to reforest an area the size of the United States, but it’s no silver bullet for climate change

How plate tectonics may have changed the climate and paved the way for complex life to evolve

Evolution is usually a gradual process, but about half a billion years ago it took off at a gallop in an event that’s now known as the Cambrian Explosion. One of the leading theories is that this was thanks to a huge spike in oxygen levels, a… Continue reading How plate tectonics may have changed the climate and paved the way for complex life to evolve

Caltech reactor could convert CO2 into breathable oxygen for space trips

Although oxygen is common throughout the cosmos, most of it isn’t in the form that we as humans need to breathe – molecular oxygen, or O2. Now, researchers at Caltech claim to have created a reactor that can turn carbon dioxide into molecular… Continue reading Caltech reactor could convert CO2 into breathable oxygen for space trips

NASA Scientists Created a Super-Hot Exoplanet Atmosphere on Earth

A team heated a cloud of gas up to 2,000°F and blasted it with radiation to see what happens on giant planets that orbit very close to their stars. Continue reading NASA Scientists Created a Super-Hot Exoplanet Atmosphere on Earth

Reducing Carbon Emissions With Coal

It might seem like a paradox, but coal might hold the answer to solving carbon emission problems. The key isn’t burning it, but creating it using carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  While this has always been possible in theory, high temperatures make it difficult in practice. However, a recent paper …read more

Continue reading Reducing Carbon Emissions With Coal

European Genocide of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Cooled Earth’s Climate

Some 50 million Indigenous peoples died during the 16th century, a collapse that caused atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to drop. Continue reading European Genocide of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Cooled Earth’s Climate