Low-energy fluidic cells could shade and cool buildings dynamically

A large percentage of a building’s energy usage is consumed by heating and cooling, but a new dynamic shading system designed by researchers at the University of Toronto could help. Inspired by the skin of krill, the system uses cells of blooming pigme… Continue reading Low-energy fluidic cells could shade and cool buildings dynamically

Revolving Doors Aren’t Just Annoying, They’re Energy Saving Too

While most of us have been content with swing and sliding doors for the vast majority of our needs around the home, the revolving door remains popular in a wide …read more Continue reading Revolving Doors Aren’t Just Annoying, They’re Energy Saving Too

Modular building facade heats and cools rooms with solar power

Heating and cooling buildings is a major consumer of energy, especially older ones that weren’t built with modern energy efficiencies in mind. Now, engineers at Fraunhofer Institute have developed a modular facade powered by solar panels that can heat … Continue reading Modular building facade heats and cools rooms with solar power

Green new concrete recycles building waste and captured CO2

Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world, but it comes at a huge environmental cost. Engineers in Japan have developed a new technique to make concrete by recycling waste concrete and combining it with captured carbon dioxide.Con… Continue reading Green new concrete recycles building waste and captured CO2

Concrete microbiome could act as early warning system for collapse

Concrete may not seem like a particularly hospitable environment for life, but bacteria do actually live inside it. A new study led by the University of Delaware has examined this concrete microbiome to find out how they get there, how they change over… Continue reading Concrete microbiome could act as early warning system for collapse

3D-printable phase-change materials insulate buildings better at scale

Heating and cooling systems are some of the biggest energy guzzlers in use, so passive temperature control could be a good way to reduce emissions. Phase-change materials (PCMs) show promise for this, and now engineers at Texas A&M have developed a new… Continue reading 3D-printable phase-change materials insulate buildings better at scale