Boston Dynamics Atlas Dynamic Duo Tackles Obstacle Course

Atlas robot jumps over a gap

Historically, the capabilities of real world humanoid robots have trailed far behind their TV and movie counterparts. But roboticists kept pushing state of the art forward, and Boston Dynamics just …read more Continue reading Boston Dynamics Atlas Dynamic Duo Tackles Obstacle Course

Hyundai buys Boston Dynamics, maker of Spot the robotic dog

Hyundai Motor Group has made a major move into the world of mobile robotics, announcing that it has acquired a majority stake in Boston Dynamics from Japanese technology firm Softbank. Most famous for its ever-impressive robotic dog named Spot, Boston … Continue reading Hyundai buys Boston Dynamics, maker of Spot the robotic dog

Boston Dynamics Stretch Robot Trades Lab Coat For Work Uniform

Boston Dynamics has always built robots with agility few others could match. While great for attention-getting demos, from outside the company it hasn’t been clear how they’ll translate acrobatic skills …read more Continue reading Boston Dynamics Stretch Robot Trades Lab Coat For Work Uniform