Groundbreaking bionic hand restores quality of life to amputee

The world is edging closer to creating fully functional prosthetic limbs, with the first clinical bionic attachment connected directly to the nervous and skeletal systems, plus artificial intelligence, restoring around 80% of daily use to the user’s ha… Continue reading Groundbreaking bionic hand restores quality of life to amputee

Super-sensitive bionic finger renders 3D images of what lies beneath

The medical community has a lot of ways to see beneath our skin including MRIs, X-rays, and sonograms. Now, researchers at China’s Wuyi University have created a robotic finger that may offer another way to analyze our human form – by poking and proddi… Continue reading Super-sensitive bionic finger renders 3D images of what lies beneath

Vulture said to be first bird to receive a permanent artificial foot

Although there have already been birds that received strap-on artificial legs, scientists are now reporting the first successful integration of a prosthetic foot directly into a stork’s residual leg bone. They’re describing the animal as the world’s fi… Continue reading Vulture said to be first bird to receive a permanent artificial foot

Artificial muscles run on glucose and oxygen, just like the real thing

Scientists at Linköping University blur the line between robot and organism has they develop an artificial muscle that runs off of glucose and oxygen like its organic counterpart. Made of a special polymer, the new plastic muscles open the pr… Continue reading Artificial muscles run on glucose and oxygen, just like the real thing