Student-designed plastic-gulping fish wins bioinspired robotics contest

Imagine if there were a robotic fish that filtered microplastic particles out of the water as it swam. Well, now there is one, and it’s the physical version of the winning concept in the first-ever Natural Robotics Contest.Continue ReadingCategory: Rob… Continue reading Student-designed plastic-gulping fish wins bioinspired robotics contest

Crab-inspired robot uses fabric-stretching legs to bury itself

The tiny Pacific mole crab (Emerita analoga) has a unique talent, in that it can burrow straight down into the sand using its flexible legs. An experimental new robot copies that capability, and it could actually have some practical applications.Contin… Continue reading Crab-inspired robot uses fabric-stretching legs to bury itself

Clone gets deep into the uncanny valley with its lifelike robotic hand

Clone Robotics is going to impressive lengths to make sure its “intelligent androids” will have some of the most human-like hands in the business, and watching the way their hydraulic “muscles” move under a transparent skin is absolutely hypnotic.Conti… Continue reading Clone gets deep into the uncanny valley with its lifelike robotic hand

“Necrobotics” tech uses spider carcasses as robotic grippers

While we’ve seen a number of robotic grippers inspired by various animals, US scientists have now taken a much more “direct” approach. They’ve devised a method of of using actual dead spiders to delicately grasp small objects.Continue ReadingCategory: … Continue reading “Necrobotics” tech uses spider carcasses as robotic grippers

Electronic glove senses objects and sucks onto them like an octopus

Us humans aren’t so good at grasping things underwater, but new research reveals how nature could lend us a helping hand. Scientists have developed a glove specifically for these purposes that takes its design cues from an octopus, featuring rubber suc… Continue reading Electronic glove senses objects and sucks onto them like an octopus

Nature’s strongest known material inspires green alternative to Kevlar

Nature is capable of producing materials of incredible strength, with spider silk one of the most celebrated examples. In 2015, a group of scientists made a game-changing discovery in this area, demonstrating that the teeth of clingy molluscs called li… Continue reading Nature’s strongest known material inspires green alternative to Kevlar

Dancing bees inspire alternative communication system for robots

We’ve heard about robots that communicate with one another via wireless networks, in order to collaborate on tasks. Sometimes, however, such networks aren’t an option. A new bee-inspired technique gets the bots to “dance” instead.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Dancing bees inspire alternative communication system for robots

Study suggests moth-inspired wallpaper could one day soundproof homes

Two years ago, scientists at the University of Bristol discovered that certain types of moths evade bats via sound-absorbing scales on their body. New research now suggests that wallpaper inspired by those scales could be used to block out unwanted noi… Continue reading Study suggests moth-inspired wallpaper could one day soundproof homes

Study suggests moth-inspired wallpaper could one day soundproof homes

Two years ago, scientists at the University of Bristol discovered that certain types of moths evade bats via sound-absorbing scales on their body. New research now suggests that wallpaper inspired by those scales could be used to block out unwanted noi… Continue reading Study suggests moth-inspired wallpaper could one day soundproof homes