Electricity-free cooling material is inspired by camel fur

Materials stay cooler when water evaporates off of them, but once all the water is gone, the cooling effect stops. Bearing this in mind, MIT scientists have developed a camel fur-inspired material that could keep items cool without using electricity.Co… Continue reading Electricity-free cooling material is inspired by camel fur

Electricity-free cooling material is inspired by camel fur

Materials stay cooler when water evaporates off of them, but once all the water is gone, the cooling effect stops. Bearing this in mind, MIT scientists have developed a camel fur-inspired material that could keep items cool without using electricity.Co… Continue reading Electricity-free cooling material is inspired by camel fur

Plant-inspired printing tech creates self-folding paper structures

When plants perform movements, such as curling their leaves or twisting their stems, they do so by drawing water into the cellulose fibers in that part of their “body.” Scientists have now replicated that technique to produce self-folding paper structu… Continue reading Plant-inspired printing tech creates self-folding paper structures

Coiling robotic gripper grasps objects like an elephant’s trunk

Chameleon tongues, gecko feet and octopus tentacles are just a few of the animal body parts we’ve seen inspire soft robotic grippers, but nature still has plenty to offer researchers in this field. A team in Australia is the latest to tap into the worl… Continue reading Coiling robotic gripper grasps objects like an elephant’s trunk

Gut-grabbing drug-delivery device is inspired by the hookworm

One of the problems with gradual-release medications lies in the fact that the pills often pass through the body before all of the medication has been released. An experimental new technology addresses that problem, by copying an intestinal parasite.Co… Continue reading Gut-grabbing drug-delivery device is inspired by the hookworm

Lizard-inspired amphibious robot runs across the water

The basilisk is also known as the”Jesus Christ Lizard,” due to the fact that it can run across the surface of the water. A new version of an existing type of robot does the same thing, plus it’s capable of traversing rough terrain.Continue ReadingCateg… Continue reading Lizard-inspired amphibious robot runs across the water

Feathered drone uses morphing wings and tail to fly like a raptor

Back in 2016 we looked at an interesting project out of Switzerland’s École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where researchers had taken inspiration from birds to produce a feathered drone with unique capabilities. The team has continued refi… Continue reading Feathered drone uses morphing wings and tail to fly like a raptor

3D-printed “biomimetic tongue” works like the real thing

While we have heard about “electronic tongues” recently, most of them have turned out to be flavor-assessing sensors that (disappointingly) didn’t look like actual tongues. Such is not the case with a new biomimetic tongue, however, which could have so… Continue reading 3D-printed “biomimetic tongue” works like the real thing

Drone draws on the pufferfish to protect itself and others

Multicopter drones are becoming increasingly useful, but their exposed whirling propellers can get damaged in collisions, and inflict injuries on bystanders. A new prototype drone addresses that problem, by copying the pufferfish.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Drone draws on the pufferfish to protect itself and others

Tissue-transferring gripper inspired by octopus suckers

While thin sheets of lab-grown biological tissue do show promise for applications such as the treatment of wounds, picking those delicate sheets up can be very difficult. That’s where a new octopus-inspired gripper is designed to come in.Continue Readi… Continue reading Tissue-transferring gripper inspired by octopus suckers