Robotic system dismantles EV batteries for recycling 10x faster

As electric vehicles continue to gain in popularity, one thing we’ll have to deal with down the road is mounting piles of batteries that have reached the end of their lives. Casting their eye toward this future, scientists at Oak Ridge National Laborat… Continue reading Robotic system dismantles EV batteries for recycling 10x faster

Microbattery uses its own packaging to store four times the energy

One of the many interesting areas of cutting-edge battery research involves the idea of using structural components to also store energy. We’ve seen how this could be applied to electric vehicles and gear for soldiers as a way of saving weight, and now… Continue reading Microbattery uses its own packaging to store four times the energy

Chinese giant CATL launches a commercial salt-based battery for EVs

A cheap and abundant material like salt might have plenty to offer the world of science, and one field where it could have game-changing effects is battery chemistry. Leveraging salt could help us avoid much of the cost and difficulty in sourcing scarc… Continue reading Chinese giant CATL launches a commercial salt-based battery for EVs

Inventor of lithium batteries creates a coating to boost their capacity

Many might be familiar with their smartphones or other electronic devices losing the charge over time, but the lithium-ion batteries that power them actually forego a sizable chunk of their capacity before they even get started. This is caused by impur… Continue reading Inventor of lithium batteries creates a coating to boost their capacity

Disruptive iron-air grid-scale battery is 10% the cost of lithium

Boston’s Form Energy is building a commercial-scale pilot of a remarkable new grid-scale battery project that could make a huge contribution to long-term energy storage as the world moves away from fossil fuels. These simple iron-air batteries store up… Continue reading Disruptive iron-air grid-scale battery is 10% the cost of lithium

Lithium strips take next-gen battery into record-breaking territory

One particularly promising architecture for next-generation batteries uses pure lithium-metal, a material with excellent energy density that could see electric vehicles travel many times farther on each charge. A research group in the US has taken a si… Continue reading Lithium strips take next-gen battery into record-breaking territory

New process promises more efficient recycling of EV batteries

While electric vehicles certainly are more eco-friendly than their fuel-burning counterparts, their battery packs still aren’t as recyclable as they could be. A new process could help, by more efficiently extracting reusable materials from old lithium-… Continue reading New process promises more efficient recycling of EV batteries

Real-time view of lithium ions in motion opens door to next-gen batteries

By better understanding the intricacies of how lithium batteries operate, scientists can more easily identify opportunities to improve their performance, and scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a powerful new tool for the job. A lo… Continue reading Real-time view of lithium ions in motion opens door to next-gen batteries

Organic-based EV battery turns to ethanol for a boost in energy density

While on the face of it, the lithium-batteries that power electric vehicles play an important role in our ongoing shift to sustainable transport, they aren’t without environmental problems of their own. Batteries that use organic, readily available mat… Continue reading Organic-based EV battery turns to ethanol for a boost in energy density

Porous membrane saves high-density lithium metal batteries from failure

By substituting graphite for high-density pure lithium metal, scientists may be able to dramatically improve the performance of battery technology, but there are hurdles still to overcome. Scientists at Germany’s Friedrich Schiller University in Jena h… Continue reading Porous membrane saves high-density lithium metal batteries from failure