NVIDIA’s Drive Map to chart 500,000 km of roads for autonomous cars

NVIDIA has been lending its expertise in computing to the world of autonomous vehicles for some time now, and a newly announced platform is designed improve the safety of these vehicles as they hit the streets. Called Drive Map, the technology will off… Continue reading NVIDIA’s Drive Map to chart 500,000 km of roads for autonomous cars

Automated solar-panel-cleaning system doubles down on drones

In order to keep running at peak efficiency, solar panels regularly have to be cleaned of accumulated dust and other debris. Such panels can often be difficult to reach, though, which is why the Helios system uses not one but two drones to get the job … Continue reading Automated solar-panel-cleaning system doubles down on drones

Cuttlefish AUV pivots underwater to become a manipulator-armed ROV

When it comes to underwater robots, some tasks are easy to automate, while others are best handled by manual remote control. The Cuttlefish offers the best of both worlds, plus it cleverly changes orientation when using its two manipulator arms.Continu… Continue reading Cuttlefish AUV pivots underwater to become a manipulator-armed ROV

Fruit-picking drones may be heading for an orchard near you

According to Israeli startup Tevel Aerobotics, there is a severe shortage of workers available to pick fruit at orchards. That’s why the company is developing an alternative, in the form of autonomous flying drones which do the job.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading Fruit-picking drones may be heading for an orchard near you

Surgical robot performs world-first autonomous laparoscopic procedure

The new-and-improved STAR system performs an intestinal anastomosis on a pig

While robotic laparoscopic surgical systems do make certain procedures safer and less invasive, those systems are still operated by human surgeons. Now, however, a surgical robot has performed a delicate operation entirely on its own.

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Autonomous drones may be the ultimate scarecrows … for pigeons

Much as we may like pigeons, they can make quite a mess of buildings and other structures, potentially posing a health hazard. According to new research, autonomous drones may be ideal for harmlessly chasing the birds away.Continue ReadingCategory: Dro… Continue reading Autonomous drones may be the ultimate scarecrows … for pigeons

Dexter tech gives regular lawnmowers the autonomous treatment

At least partially due to labor shortages, autonomous lawnmowers are becoming increasingly popular. The Dexter robotic system offers an alternative to buying a whole new “smart” mower, as it can be added to existing mowers in order to make them autonom… Continue reading Dexter tech gives regular lawnmowers the autonomous treatment

Seasam drone autonomously follows divers and performs underwater tasks

Back in 2016, we told you about the iBubble, an underwater drone that autonomously follows and films scuba divers. Well, it now has a more capable industrial-use big brother, known as the Seasam.Continue ReadingCategory: Drones, TechnologyTags: Underwa… Continue reading Seasam drone autonomously follows divers and performs underwater tasks