Massive LNG tanker sails itself across the Pacific in shipping world first

HD Hyundai has announced that the Prism Courage, a 122,000 tonne ultra-large natural gas tanker operated by its subsidiary Avikus, has become the first large ship to make an ocean passage of over 10,000 km (6,210 miles) under autonomous control.Continu… Continue reading Massive LNG tanker sails itself across the Pacific in shipping world first

Plans unveiled for Oceanus long-range autonomous marine research vessel

It would cost a lot of money to send a boatload of marine scientists across the Atlantic Ocean, all of them conducting research along the way. That’s where the Oceanus will come in, as plans call for it to make the trip and do the job without any crew … Continue reading Plans unveiled for Oceanus long-range autonomous marine research vessel

Autonomous container ship completes 790-km trip from crowded Tokyo Bay

Piloting a large ship through a heavy traffic area is no joke; there can be a huge number of hazards to keep track of, each traveling with its own speed and trajectory, and large ships are so slow to respond to control inputs that decisions need to be … Continue reading Autonomous container ship completes 790-km trip from crowded Tokyo Bay

Lightning eMotors adds autonomous option to electric fleet vehicles

Colorado’s Lightning eMotors is adding Level 2 and Level 4 autonomous capabilities to electric medium-duty commercial vehicles thanks to a partnership with Virginia’s Perrone Robotics, and has already announced its first customer.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Lightning eMotors adds autonomous option to electric fleet vehicles

Automate the Freight: Autonomous Buses to Start Operation in UK

The UK will get its first full-size autonomous bus service this summer, if final road testing that begins in the next two weeks goes according to plan. Known as Project …read more Continue reading Automate the Freight: Autonomous Buses to Start Operation in UK

Robotic marine trash collector starts making waves in Hong Kong

Back in November 2020, startup Open Ocean Engineering launched an autonomous trash collector aimed at clearing plastic waste from harbors, lakes and canals. After partnering with games titan Razer last year for a radical redesign, a sleeker Clearbot ha… Continue reading Robotic marine trash collector starts making waves in Hong Kong

MarkSetBot robotic race marker buoys have no need for an anchor

In a typical sailboat race, the course is marked with a series of buoys that have to be anchored to the seabed, and which may get pushed around by winds or currents. MarkSetBot addresses those problems, with internet-connected robotic buoys.Continue Re… Continue reading MarkSetBot robotic race marker buoys have no need for an anchor