Bentley loads electric GT concept with weird sustainable materials and next-gen tech

Bentley celebrates its 100th birthday in grand fashion today, but instead of looking back it’s taking a look at what ultra-luxury will mean in the year 2035 – and gettin’ kind of weird with it. Much more than just a simple A-to-B shuttle, the… Continue reading Bentley loads electric GT concept with weird sustainable materials and next-gen tech

Underwater robot made to map and search abandoned mines

Fans of the movie Prometheus will recall the probes that were sent into the alien structure, autonomously flying through it to create a 3D map of its interior. Well, something kind of similar is now in development, in the form of an underwate… Continue reading Underwater robot made to map and search abandoned mines

Autonomous drone gets the goods on forest fires

When a forest fire is starting, it’s vitally important for firefighting crews to know exactly what it is that they’re up against, so they can prepare most effectively. A new Spanish project is helping to make that happen, utilizing an autonom… Continue reading Autonomous drone gets the goods on forest fires

Automate the Freight: Autonomous Delivery Hits the Mainstream

It should come as no surprise that we here at Hackaday are big boosters of autonomous systems like self-driving vehicles. That’s not to say we’re without a healthy degree of skepticism, and indeed, the whole point of the “Automate the Freight” series is that economic forces will create powerful incentives …read more

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MIT developing autonomous self-docking Roboats to reinvigorate Amsterdam canals

MIT has unveiled the latest version of the robotic boats it is developing for the city of Amsterdam that are intended to autonomously move passengers, goods and maybe garbage along the city’s 165 canals in the near future. The new iteration o… Continue reading MIT developing autonomous self-docking Roboats to reinvigorate Amsterdam canals

Automate the Freight: Shipping Containers Sorted by Robot Stevedores

Towering behemoths are prowling the docks of Auckland, New Zealand, in a neverending shuffle of shipping containers, stacking and unstacking them like so many out-sized LEGO bricks. And they’re doing it all without human guidance.
It’s hard to overstate the impact containerized cargo has had on the modern world. The

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Low-cost Autonomous Rover will Drive your Projects

[Miguel] wanted to get more hands-on experience with Python, so he created a small robotic platform as a testbed. But as such things sometimes go, it turns out the robot he created is a worthy enough project in its own right.

There’s nothing wrong with starting a project just for the experience of it. It’s an excellent way to learn about hardware or software you’ve been meaning to gain some practical experience with, and if you end up having a bit of fun along the way, even better. Getting too bogged down on the “why” can sometimes get in the …read more

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Unmanned Sailboat Traverses The North Atlantic

Sailboats have been traversing the Atlantic Ocean since before 1592, sailing through sunshine, wind, and rain. The one thing that they’ve all had in common has been a captain to pilot the ship across this vast watery expanse, at least until now. A company called Offshore Sensing has sailed an unmanned vessel all the way from Canada to Ireland.

The ship, called the Sailbuoy, attempted the journey last year as well but only made it about halfway before the mission was abandoned. This year, however, the voyage was finally completed, and this craft is officially the first unmanned ship to …read more

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