Tracked bottom-crawling robot gathers valuable deep-sea data

Although the deep ocean floor may seem isolated from life on the rest of the planet, it actually plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Scientists are now gaining a better understanding of that role, thanks to a tracked robotic underwater rover… Continue reading Tracked bottom-crawling robot gathers valuable deep-sea data

MIT deploys first full-scale autonomous Roboat on canals of Amsterdam

Back in 2016, we caught wind of an interesting research project looking to make use of Amsterdam’s famously abundant waterways by deploying autonomous vessels to transport people and goods. These so-called Roboats have undergone a number of redesigns i… Continue reading MIT deploys first full-scale autonomous Roboat on canals of Amsterdam

Fast Indoor Robot Watches Ceiling Lights, Instead of the Road

RC car without a top, showing electronics inside.

[Andy]’s robot is an autonomous RC car, and he shares the localization algorithm he developed to help the car keep track of itself while it zips crazily around an indoor …read more Continue reading Fast Indoor Robot Watches Ceiling Lights, Instead of the Road

Facebook robot crawls along power lines to deliver fiber optic cable

Although fiber optic internet cable has many advantages over metal cable, it frequently has to be distributed underground – this limits its usability. Facebook, however, has developed a robot that could wrap the cable around existing power lines.Contin… Continue reading Facebook robot crawls along power lines to deliver fiber optic cable

Sticky-tape module designed to let robots know when floors are clean

Increasingly, robots are being used to autonomously clean floors and other surfaces in places like airports and hospitals. You have to wonder, though … how do they know when a floor is sufficiently clean? A new module could soon tell them.Continue Read… Continue reading Sticky-tape module designed to let robots know when floors are clean

M2NS tech will use robotic arms to autonomously neutralize sea mines

It goes without saying that the neutralizing of underwater mines is a dangerous task – definitely one that you’d avoid sending a scuba diver to do, if at all possible. That’s why Pittsburgh-based RE2 Robotics is designing a robotic system to do the job… Continue reading M2NS tech will use robotic arms to autonomously neutralize sea mines

Autonomous Fleet concepts set course for Royal Navy’s next 50 years

The Royal Navy has released an outline of its vision of how its Future Autonomous Fleet will operate over the next half century, including green aircraft carriers, underwater command centers, and robotic warships.Continue ReadingCategory: Military, Tec… Continue reading Autonomous Fleet concepts set course for Royal Navy’s next 50 years

Rainbow road sign film would be easier for autonomous vehicles to read

Autonomous vehicles need to operate in a complex environment, and recognizing traffic signs is an important part of that. A new microstructured material reflects light in rainbow rings, which can make traffic signs easier for computer vision systems to… Continue reading Rainbow road sign film would be easier for autonomous vehicles to read