I Think I Failed. Yes, I Failed.

Down the rabbit hole you go.

In my particular case I am testing a new output matching transformer design for an audio preamplifier and using one of my go to driver circuit designs. Very stable, and very reliable. Wack it together and off you go to test and measurement land without a care in the world. This particular transformer is designed to be driven with a  class A amplifier operating at 48 volts in a pro audio setting where you turn the knobs with your pinky in the air sort of thing. Extra points if you can find some sort …read more

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Simple Vacuum Tube Preamp Results in a Beautiful Build

We have no intention of wading into the vacuum tube versus silicon debates audiophiles seem to thrive on. But we know a quality build when we see it, and this gorgeous tube preamp certainly looks like it sounds good.

The amp is an attempt by builder [Timothy Cose] to give a little something back to the online community of  vacuum tube aficionados that guided him in his journey into the world of electrons under glass. Dubbed a “Muchedumbre” – Spanish for “crowd” or “mob”; we admit we don’t get the reference – the circuit is intended as a zero-gain preamp …read more

Continue reading Simple Vacuum Tube Preamp Results in a Beautiful Build

Visit the Indie Vinyl Press Where No Order Is Too Small (Like, Even Just One)

Visit the Indie Vinyl Press Where No Order Is Too Small (Like, Even Just One)

Wesley Wolfe’s lathe-to-turntable movement caters to an indie clientele in today’s increasingly fragmented music ecosystem. The post Visit the Indie Vinyl Press Where No Order Is Too Small (Like, Even Just One) appeared first on WIRED. Continue reading Visit the Indie Vinyl Press Where No Order Is Too Small (Like, Even Just One)