Anti-Bullying Week: Of weasels, snakes, and queen bees

The working class adults in an office setup are probably the least likely batch we’d think of when we’re talking about bullying. However, it happens on a daily basis across a number industries. For those who have witnessed bullying episodes in the office or who knows someone who bullies or is being bullied, adult bullying for them is not aware and not an uncommon occurrence.



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Anti-Bullying Week: “Monkey see, monkey do”

Have you ever wondered when and how bullying starts? Research has indicated that bullying can start as early as the preschool years, particularly at the age of 3. Categories: 101
FYITags: anti-bullying weekchild security onlinecyberbullying(Read more…) Continue reading Anti-Bullying Week: “Monkey see, monkey do”

Pledge to use your power for good this Anti-Bullying Week

The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) is spearheading this year’s “Anti-Bullying Week” campaign once more. The overall theme of this campaign is “Power for Good”, which encourages children, teens, and adults alike that they can be powerful agents of change.



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