How complex are the digital lives of teens? The NCSA takes a look.

A recent study reveals (if not confirm) what most people may have already perceived: that most teens navigate the Internet via their smartphones using various websites and apps, and that there is a “digital disconnect” between U.S. parents and their teen children, who are between 13-17 years of age.



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Five ways to stay safe online while playing Pokémon Go

No one has expected to see a mobile gaming app become so popular so fast and affect people the way it has. Indeed, the introduction of Pokémon Go—plus the sharp rise of popularity of augmented reality—has opened a lot of opportunities for cross-industry innovation and growth. Unfortunately, it’s not all fun and games for every player and those caught in the experience of others.



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Explained: Bug poaching

When we talk about online extortion, nowadays what comes to mind is ransomware, thanks to reports of new strains found almost every day of the week. For some, it may be scams—from online dating, to loan, to 419 fraud. For others, some examples may be hijacked accounts, sextortion, DDoS attacks, and data theft. These past few weeks, we have been introduced to a new type of digital extortion that, as some security experts claim, is currently on the rise: bug poaching.



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Malvertising and ransomware: the Bonnie and Clyde of advanced threats

Malvertising and ransomware. A match made in hell. In this infographic, you’ll learn more about the destruction left in their wake and what businesses can do to protect against them.Categories: 101
InfographicsTags: malvertisingprotect your businessra… Continue reading Malvertising and ransomware: the Bonnie and Clyde of advanced threats