Intel promises fix after researchers reveal ‘CacheOut’ CPU flaws

Forget the infamous Meltdown and Spectre chip flaws from 2018, the problem that’s tying down Intel’s patching team these days is a more recent class of side channel vulnerabilities known collectively as ZombieLoad. Continue reading Intel promises fix after researchers reveal ‘CacheOut’ CPU flaws

New ‘CacheOut’ Attack Targets Intel CPUs

Researchers have release a new proof-of-concept attack targeting a new Intel Speculative-type bug called CacheOut present in most Intel CPUs. Continue reading New ‘CacheOut’ Attack Targets Intel CPUs

Can Applications Withstand the ZombieLoad Attack?

As if Meltdown, Spectre and Foreshadow were not enough, recently a new critical vulnerability called ZombieLoad has been discovered that affects a series of modern Intel processors. This vulnerability enables a potential attacker to read small pieces … Continue reading Can Applications Withstand the ZombieLoad Attack?

Intel Releases Microcode Update for CPUs Affected by Zomieload v2

Intel releases microcode for CPUs affected by a new kind of MDS attack and says that previous microcode updates reduce the attack surface but don’t provide complete protection.

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This Week in Security: Fuzzing Fixes, Foul Fonts, TPM Timing Attacks, and More!

An issue was discovered in libarchive through Google’s ClusterFuzz project. Libarchive is a compression and decompression library, widely used in utilities. The issue here is how the library recovers from a malformed archive. Hitting an invalid header causes the memory in use to be freed. The problem is that it’s …read more

Continue reading This Week in Security: Fuzzing Fixes, Foul Fonts, TPM Timing Attacks, and More!

Linux maintainer: Patching side-channel flaws is killing performance

Mirror, mirror on the wall, which is the worst side-channel vulnerability of them all? Continue reading Linux maintainer: Patching side-channel flaws is killing performance