Time to Transfer Risk: Why Security Complexity & VPNs Are No Longer Sustainable

Now, there are many reasons to isolate your infrastructure from the Internet. Minimizing the number of exposed things not only reduces risk, it also reduces operational complexity. VPNs are counter to this. VPNs make it so you aren’t exposing all of your applications publicly in a DMZ, which is good. But for the most part, they still provide access to the corporate network to get access to corporate apps. Definitely bad. At this point, I think we all agree that moats and castles belong in the past. Continue reading Time to Transfer Risk: Why Security Complexity & VPNs Are No Longer Sustainable

Why Identity Aware Proxies are Key to Adaptive Access Controls

By now, you have likely heard the term "Zero Trust". From tech seminars and industry events to webinars and whitepapers, it is popping up everywhere. CISOs and CTOs are constantly inundated with calls and messages from different vendors proclai… Continue reading Why Identity Aware Proxies are Key to Adaptive Access Controls

Why Identity Aware Proxies are Key to Adaptive Access Controls

By now, you have likely heard the term "Zero Trust". From tech seminars and industry events to webinars and whitepapers, it is popping up everywhere. CISOs and CTOs are constantly inundated with calls and messages from different vendors proclaiming different ways their solutions can help them transition to this security model. At this year’s RSA Conference, there was a deluge of vendors touting Zero Trust security solutions and I could only imagine being in a CISO or CTOs shoes as they debate the right solution for their organization. Continue reading Why Identity Aware Proxies are Key to Adaptive Access Controls

Attackers Are Thinking About Phishing Differently, So Should You

Every day new phishing campaigns are making the news. One is posing as legitimate emails from the Department of Homeland Security, the next pretends to be an alert from your email server that it has received an encrypted message for you, prompting… Continue reading Attackers Are Thinking About Phishing Differently, So Should You

Does Zero Trust Security Have to be Hard to be Effective?

That’s where Zero Trust security comes in. Yes, there are many flavors and debates around Zero Trust security, but for the purpose of this post I will try to keep it simple. (Don’t get me started on how we need to reduce complexity to reduce risk…) So, Zero Trust security in this context is all about no inherent trust in the network, where security and access decisions are dynamically enforced based on identity, device, and user context. Continue reading Does Zero Trust Security Have to be Hard to be Effective?