Tools in the DevOps Pipeline: Ty Sbano, Sisense – ASW #75

Tools in the DevOps Pipeline: Ty Sbano, Sisense
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How to Provide Secure Access to AWS Workloads

In a traditional model, you need to somehow open your cloud infrastructure to allow users to access applications. It could be a VPN gateway or a Bastion host, and with it comes the responsibility of managing IP whitelists in Security Groups when applicable, or absorbing attacks when it is not.

To simplify these challenges and help companies move to a Zero Trust model of securing the application versus the network, Akamai has built Enterprise Application Access (EAA). Continue reading How to Provide Secure Access to AWS Workloads

Cat and Mouse: Understanding the Security Industry’s Failure to Stop Cyberattackers

Have you ever watched a cat stalk its prey? First, it identifies a target and lies in wait, quietly, hidden from view, observing the behavior of its victim. Minutes can go by as it bides its time, just watching. The mouse or squirrel or bird conti… Continue reading Cat and Mouse: Understanding the Security Industry’s Failure to Stop Cyberattackers

Security Fundamentals Are Key To Successful Cloud Migration

Earlier I wrote about the importance of patching, or more accurately the importance of transferring the need to patch (& the associated risk) to someone else by using their cloud security service. While patching definitely falls into the security fundamentals category it remains as relevant as ever, but it’s not the only security best practice we need to collectively remember. Continue reading Security Fundamentals Are Key To Successful Cloud Migration

Time to Transfer Risk: Why Security Complexity & VPNs Are No Longer Sustainable

Now, there are many reasons to isolate your infrastructure from the Internet. Minimizing the number of exposed things not only reduces risk, it also reduces operational complexity. VPNs are counter to this. VPNs make it so you aren’t exposing all of yo… Continue reading Time to Transfer Risk: Why Security Complexity & VPNs Are No Longer Sustainable