Earth’s hottest day on record broken twice this week

Earth saw its hottest day on record this week – twice. According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) data, Sunday claimed the top spot for highest global average temperature since the records began in 1940, only to be broken again on Monday…. Continue reading Earth’s hottest day on record broken twice this week

Water worlds: Best evidence yet of new type of exoplanet

Get Kevin Costner on the phone – astronomers may have found some water worlds. Two nearby planets have been found to be covered in deep global oceans under hot, steamy atmospheres.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: Exoplanet, Planet, Water, … Continue reading Water worlds: Best evidence yet of new type of exoplanet

Mu is the latest coronavirus variant labeled of interest by WHO

For the first time in several months the World Health Organization has added a new SARS-CoV-2 variant to its official tracking list. Designated by the Greek Alphabet letter Mu, this newly defined “variant of interest” has been detected in 40 countries … Continue reading Mu is the latest coronavirus variant labeled of interest by WHO

Glow In The Dark Globe On A Spherical Screen

Terrestrial globes are almost a thing of the past in an era of Google Earth, but they can still be an exciting object worth hacking together, as [Ivan Miranda] shows with his glow-in-the-dark globe. It’s a globe, it’s a display, and it’s a great use of glow in the dark filament.

For the mechanical part of this build, [Miranda] used glow in the dark filament to 3D print a sphere and a reinforcing ring that hides inside. A threaded rod through the middle secured with screws and bearings make an appropriate spindle, and is attached to a stepper motor in …read more

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Rita’s Dolls Probably Live Better Than You Do

If it wasn’t for the weird Dutch-Norwegian techno you’d presumably have to listen to forever, [Gianni B.]’s doll house for his daughter, [Rita] makes living in a Barbie World seem like a worthwhile endeavor. True to modern form, it’s got LED lighting. It’s got IoT. It’s got an app and an elevator. It even has a tiny, working, miniature television.

It all started with a Christmas wish. [Rita] could no longer stand to bear the thought of her Barbie dolls living a homeless lifestyle on her floor, begging passing toys for enough monopoly money to buy a sock to sleep …read more

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