HBO hack could expose employees’ financial information and internal emails

Hackers claimed to have breached HBO computer networks have leaked personal financial information and passwords belonging to company employees, as well as what appears to be unreleased television scripts and episodes. The hackers posted leaked data to “” on Tuesday, but by Wednesday the site was intermittently offline. The HBO hack haul is 1.5 terabytes, the hackers say, seven times the 200 gigabytes of the Sony hack. There is no independent confirmation for these numbers, yet multiple files posted for download were above 100 gb in size. The unidentified hackers promise more is coming including emails, databases and “precious stuff that blaze your eyes,” according to an email sent to reporters preceding the leak.  The hackers also offered rewards to reporters who pleased them: “You are lucky to be the first pioneers to witness and download the leak,” the hackers wrote. “Enjoy it & spread the words. Whoever spreads well, we will have an interview […]

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