Week in review: Keeping up with ransomware, critical PHP RCE exploited, DevOps firewall

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Leading domain name registrars suffered data breach Web technology company Web.com and its subsidiaries – domain name registrars Register.com and Network Solution… Continue reading Week in review: Keeping up with ransomware, critical PHP RCE exploited, DevOps firewall

Week in review: Avast breach, deepfakes, VisibleV8 monitors JavaScript in the wild

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Phishing attacks are a complex problem that requires layered solutions Most cyber attacks start with a social engineering attempt and, most often that not, it tak… Continue reading Week in review: Avast breach, deepfakes, VisibleV8 monitors JavaScript in the wild

Week in review: Insider threat essentials, tracing IP hijackers, cyrptojacking worm hits Docker hosts

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, reviews and articles: “Smart city” governments should also be smart about security While the definition of “smart city” is still under debate, one thing is indisputable: the t… Continue reading Week in review: Insider threat essentials, tracing IP hijackers, cyrptojacking worm hits Docker hosts

Week in review: Umasking cybercriminals, improving incident response, macOS Catalina security

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Winning the security fight: Tips for organizations and CISOs If you ask Matthew Rosenquist, a former Cybersecurity Strategist for Intel (now independent), overcom… Continue reading Week in review: Umasking cybercriminals, improving incident response, macOS Catalina security

Week in review: MFA effectiveness, SMBs and Win7 security, the quantum computing threat

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews and articles: Unpatched Android flaw exploited by attackers, impacts Pixel, Samsung, Xiaomi devices A privilege escalation vulnerability affecting phones running An… Continue reading Week in review: MFA effectiveness, SMBs and Win7 security, the quantum computing threat

Week in review: IE zero-day, S3 bucket security, rise of RDP as a target vector

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: Cybersecurity automation? Yes, wherever possible Automated systems are invaluable when it comes to performing asset discovery, evaluation and vulnerabil… Continue reading Week in review: IE zero-day, S3 bucket security, rise of RDP as a target vector

Week in review: CISO do’s and don’ts, Windows Defender scan fail, new issue of (IN)SECURE

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: CISO do’s and don’ts: Lessons learned Keeping a business safe from cyber threats while allowing it to thrive is every CISO’s goal. The task is not easy:… Continue reading Week in review: CISO do’s and don’ts, Windows Defender scan fail, new issue of (IN)SECURE

Week in review: Simjacker attacks, critical Exim flaw, Sandboxie becomes freeware

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews and articles: More than a year after GDPR implementation, half of UK businesses are not fully compliant 52% of UK businesses are not fully compliant with the regula… Continue reading Week in review: Simjacker attacks, critical Exim flaw, Sandboxie becomes freeware

Week in review: Supply chain security, Android flaw opens users to advanced SMS phishing

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: How to reduce the attack surface associated with medical devices As the number of connected medical devices continues to rise, so does healthcare organi… Continue reading Week in review: Supply chain security, Android flaw opens users to advanced SMS phishing

Week in review: Mass iPhone hacking, SSL VPNs under attack, SOC analysts overwhelmed

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: Cybersecurity in the age of the remote workforce Users can be set up for a productive experience while maintaining the security integrity for the enterp… Continue reading Week in review: Mass iPhone hacking, SSL VPNs under attack, SOC analysts overwhelmed