Hidden SEO Spam Link Injections on WordPress Sites

Often when a website is injected with SEO spam, the owner is completely unaware of the issue until they begin to receive warnings from search engines or blacklists.
This is by design — attackers intentionally try to prevent detection by arranging inje… Continue reading Hidden SEO Spam Link Injections on WordPress Sites

PrestaShop SuperAdmin Injector and Login Stealer

According to W3Tech’s data, PrestaShop is among the most popular CMS choices for existing ecommerce websites, so it should come as no surprise that malware has been created to specifically target these environments.
We recently came across an infected… Continue reading PrestaShop SuperAdmin Injector and Login Stealer

Evasive Maneuvers in Data Stealing Gateways

We have already shared examples of many kinds of malware that rely on an external gateway to receive or return data, such as different malware payloads.
During a recent investigation, we came across this example of a PHP script that attackers use for … Continue reading Evasive Maneuvers in Data Stealing Gateways

Another Credit Card Stealer That Pretends to Be Sucuri

During a routine investigation, we found yet another web skimmer that pretends to be related to Sucuri.
One of our Remediation Analysts, Liam Smith, found the following code injected into the database of a Magento site.
The first 109 lines of the malw… Continue reading Another Credit Card Stealer That Pretends to Be Sucuri

Legacy Mauthtoken Malware Continues to Redirect Mobile Users

During malware analysis, we regularly find variations of this injected script on various compromised websites: .
The variable “_0x446d” assigns hex encoded strings in different positions in the array. If we get the ASCII representation of the variable… Continue reading Legacy Mauthtoken Malware Continues to Redirect Mobile Users

Reflected XSS in WordPress v5.5.1 and Lower

WordPress released version 5.5.2 yesterday, which fixed a reflected XSS vulnerability we reported earlier this year. The root cause of this issue is a bug in the way WordPress determines a user’s current page, and which may cause a few other problems … Continue reading Reflected XSS in WordPress v5.5.1 and Lower

P.A.S. Fork v. 1.0 — A Web Shell Revival

A PHP shell containing multiple functions can easily consist of thousands of lines of code, so it’s no surprise that attackers often reuse the code from some of the most popular PHP web shells, like WSO or b374k.
After all, if these popular (and readi… Continue reading P.A.S. Fork v. 1.0 — A Web Shell Revival

R_Evil WordPress Hacktool & Malicious JavaScript Injections

We often see hackers reusing the same malware, with only a few new adjustments to obfuscate the code so that it is more difficult for scanning tools to detect.
However, sometimes entirely new attack tools are created and deployed by threat actors who … Continue reading R_Evil WordPress Hacktool & Malicious JavaScript Injections

A Quick Glance at Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Security Headers

Thanks to the rapid growth of JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, Vue, and React, CORS has become a popular word in the developer’s vocabulary.
When requesting information from an external source such as an API (a pretty common practice for client-… Continue reading A Quick Glance at Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Security Headers