Server Side Data Exfiltration via Telegram API

One of the themes commonly highlighted on this blog includes the many creative methods and techniques attackers employ to steal data from compromised websites. Credit card skimmers, credential and password hijackers, SQL injections, and even malware o… Continue reading Server Side Data Exfiltration via Telegram API

Trojan Spyware and BEC Attacks

When it comes to an organization’s security, business email compromise (BEC) attacks are a big problem. One primary reason impacts are so significant is that attacks often use a human victim to authorize a fraudulent transaction to bypass existing sec… Continue reading Trojan Spyware and BEC Attacks

SQL Triggers in Website Backdoors

Over the past year, there’s been an increasing trend of WordPress malware using SQL triggers to hide malicious SQL queries within compromised databases. These queries inject an admin level user into the infected database whenever the trigger condition… Continue reading SQL Triggers in Website Backdoors


Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBLs) can be a great tool in your security arsenal. You may not know you’re using them, but all email providers and company email servers leverage these services to verify whether servers and IP addresses are sending spam or … Continue reading UCEPROTECT: When RBLs Go Bad

Optimizing Performance and Behavior with WordPress and the Sucuri WAF

Aside from providing significant protection from a wide range of threats, the Sucuri WAF also acts as a CDN due to its caching capabilities and regional PoPs — often performing even better than dedicated CDNs based on recent tests.
CDNs can significan… Continue reading Optimizing Performance and Behavior with WordPress and the Sucuri WAF

Phishing & Malspam with Leaf PHPMailer

It’s common knowledge that attackers often use email as a delivery mechanism for their malicious activity — which can range from enticing victims to click a phishing URL or download a malicious attachment.
To support these activities, attackers seek o… Continue reading Phishing & Malspam with Leaf PHPMailer

Magento PHP Injection Loads JavaScript Skimmer

A Magento website owner was concerned about malware and reached out to our team for assistance. Upon investigation, we found the website contained a PHP injection in one of the Magento files: ./app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Model/Method/Cc.php

if ($_… Continue reading Magento PHP Injection Loads JavaScript Skimmer

Real-Time Phishing Kit Targets Brazilian Central Bank

We recently found an interesting phishing kit on a compromised website that has QR code capabilities, along with the ability to control the phishing page in real time. What our investigation revealed was that attackers were leveraging PIX, a new payme… Continue reading Real-Time Phishing Kit Targets Brazilian Central Bank

Obfuscation Techniques in Ransomweb “Ransomware”

As vital assets for many business operations, websites and their hosting servers are often the target of ransomware attacks — and if they get taken offline, this can cause major issues for a business’ data, revenue, and ultimately reputation.
The wors… Continue reading Obfuscation Techniques in Ransomweb “Ransomware”

Evaluating Cookies to Hide Backdoors

Identifying website backdoors is not always an easy task. Since a backdoors primary function is to conceal itself while providing unauthorized access, they are often developed using a variety of techniques that can make it challenging to detect.
For e… Continue reading Evaluating Cookies to Hide Backdoors