Why Hackers Create Phishing Campaigns

Phishing is a malicious attempt to obtain personally identifiable information of a victim. The first thing to keep in mind about phishing is the goal of the attackers.
In the first post of this series, we have explained how to recognize a phishing cam… Continue reading Why Hackers Create Phishing Campaigns

Personal Online Privacy – Data & Browser Privacy

Continuing a series on how to strengthen your personal online privacy, we are taking personal inventory of how we connect online. These were themes covered during our webinar on “Security Beyond Your Website: Personal Online Privacy” and d… Continue reading Personal Online Privacy – Data & Browser Privacy

Critical Flaw in GoAhead Web Server Could Affect Wide Range of IoT Devices

Cybersecurity researchers today uncovered details of two new vulnerabilities in the GoAhead web server software, a tiny application widely embedded in hundreds of millions of Internet-connected smart devices.

One of the two vulnerabilities, assigned a… Continue reading Critical Flaw in GoAhead Web Server Could Affect Wide Range of IoT Devices

Europol Shuts Down Over 30,500 Piracy Websites in Global Operation

In a coordinated global law enforcement operation, Europol has taken down more than 30,500 websites for distributing counterfeit and pirated items over the Internet and arrested three suspects.

Among other things, the seized domains reportedly offered… Continue reading Europol Shuts Down Over 30,500 Piracy Websites in Global Operation

Top 5 Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Predictions for 2020

We distilled 30 independent reports dedicated to cybersecurity and cybercrime predictions for 2020 and compiled the top 5 most interesting findings and projections in this post.

Compliance fatigue will spread among security professionals

Being a so… Continue reading Top 5 Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Predictions for 2020

Another Fake Google Domain: fonts.googlesapi.com

Our Remediation team lead Ben Martin recently found a fake Google domain that is pretty convincing to the naked eye.
The malicious domain was abusing the URL shortener service is.gd: shortened URLs were being injected into the posts table of the clien… Continue reading Another Fake Google Domain: fonts.googlesapi.com

Website Security Tips for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Sucuri’s focus has always been on educating website owners about the latest threats and vulnerabilities — and much of that depends on our industry-leading research team.
As the holiday season approaches, we asked our researchers what recom… Continue reading Website Security Tips for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Ecommerce Security Threats

With the end of November comes the height of the holiday shopping season — specifically Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, which typically span the last calendar days of November into the first week of December.
As consumer behavior changes an… Continue reading Black Friday/Cyber Monday Ecommerce Security Threats