AppTrana Offers Protection to Online Businesses During Coronavirus Outbreak

These are unprecedented times, and everyone is going through a testing period, with more than 3 billion people locked down all over the world.

Businesses are scrambling to stay afloat and are forced to move digital in a very short span of time without… Continue reading AppTrana Offers Protection to Online Businesses During Coronavirus Outbreak

Free Sucuri WAF for Medical & Social Services

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is concern about health systems worldwide. Many people in isolation or self-quarantine are looking for accurate medical information online on a daily basis.
As a result, it is crucial that public health and social s… Continue reading Free Sucuri WAF for Medical & Social Services

Safe Browsing During a Pandemic: How to Spot COVID-19 Phishing Campaigns

Online bad actors tend to take advantage of tragedy for their own gain – and the coronavirus is no different.
While we would hope that cybercriminals would be sympathetic during a global health crisis, it already appears this may be a pipe dream… Continue reading Safe Browsing During a Pandemic: How to Spot COVID-19 Phishing Campaigns

Throwback Threat Thursday: WordPress 4.7 WP-JSON Content Injection Vulnerability

Throwback Threat Thursday is a series of posts where we recall older vulnerabilities that have since been patched by their developers. In the past, these vulnerabilities caused significant impacts to the security of website owners. Some vulnerable sit… Continue reading Throwback Threat Thursday: WordPress 4.7 WP-JSON Content Injection Vulnerability

WordPress Database Brute Force and Backdoors

We regularly talk about brute force attacks on WordPress sites and explain why WordPress credentials should always be unique, complex, and hard to guess.
However, the WordPress login is not the only point of entry that hackers use to break into sites…. Continue reading WordPress Database Brute Force and Backdoors

3-D Secure SMS-OTP Phishing

One of our remediation analysts Eli Trevino recently discovered a phishing page informing victims about fake Netflix service disruptions, supposedly due to problems with the victim’s payment method.
The phishing page prompts victims to provide t… Continue reading 3-D Secure SMS-OTP Phishing

PCI Compliance, Penetration Testing, and the Sucuri WAF

Our support team is often asked, “Can we test our site through the Sucuri Web Application Firewall?”
The answer is always yes, with a caveat. Tests that are intended to cause a disruption of the service, such as DoS attacks, are not allowe… Continue reading PCI Compliance, Penetration Testing, and the Sucuri WAF

Let’s Encrypt Revokes 3 Million Certificates Due to CAA Bug

Imagine receiving a TLS warning on your browser every time you visit your website for 60 days straight. Definitely not an ideal situation and you would certainly want to avoid it at all costs, correct?
Let’s Encrypt SSL, a certificate authority … Continue reading Let’s Encrypt Revokes 3 Million Certificates Due to CAA Bug

Let’s Encrypt Revoking 3 Million TLS Certificates Issued Incorrectly Due to a Bug

The most popular free certificate signing authority Let’s Encrypt is going to revoke more than 3 million TLS certificates within the next 24 hours that may have been issued wrongfully due to a bug in its Certificate Authority software.

The bug, which … Continue reading Let’s Encrypt Revoking 3 Million TLS Certificates Issued Incorrectly Due to a Bug