Custom Smartwatch Makes Diabetes Monitoring Easier for Kids

Living with Type 1 diabetes is a numbers game. There’s not a moment in the day free from the burden of tracking your blood glucose concentration, making “What’s your number?” …read more Continue reading Custom Smartwatch Makes Diabetes Monitoring Easier for Kids

‘Robotic’ Dress Uses Simple Techniques To Combine 3D Printed Parts With Fabric

By and large, our clothes don’t actively move. They’re simple pieces of fabric assembled to sit nicely on our bodies, and little more. [anoukwipprecht] created something a little more technological and confronting, …read more Continue reading ‘Robotic’ Dress Uses Simple Techniques To Combine 3D Printed Parts With Fabric

Batteries Not Included: Navigating the Implants of Tomorrow

Bioelectronic implants with size reference

Tinkerers and tech enthusiasts, brace yourselves: the frontier of biohacking has just expanded. Picture implantable medical devices that don’t need batteries—no more surgeries for replacements or bulky contraptions. Though not …read more Continue reading Batteries Not Included: Navigating the Implants of Tomorrow