The Wirtz Pump Spins

Over the ages, a lot of human activity has been concerned about getting water from where we find it to where we want it. If you want to move water …read more Continue reading The Wirtz Pump Spins
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Over the ages, a lot of human activity has been concerned about getting water from where we find it to where we want it. If you want to move water …read more Continue reading The Wirtz Pump Spins
If you’ve got one decently powerful DC motor, you could conceivably build a water pump. Gang up ten of them, however, and you could build something considerably more powerful, as …read more Continue reading Powerful Water Pump Is Modular In Nature
There is something inherently fascinating about tiny mechanical devices, especially when you’re used to seeing much larger versions. This is the case with [Penguin DIY]’s tiny centrifugal water pump built …read more Continue reading Turning a Pair of Syringes into a Tiny Water Pump
[Renzo Mischianti]’s friend has to keep a water tank topped up. Problem is, the tank itself is 1.5 km away, so its water level isn’t typically known. There’s no electricity …read more Continue reading LoRa Helps With Remote Water Tank Level Sensing
Lobe pumps are perhaps most popularly known for their use in Rootes-type superchargers, but they can pump water, too. [Let’s Print] demonstrates this ably with a 3D-printed design that can …read more Continue reading 3D-Printed Lobe Pump Shifts Water Well
How much water have you had to drink today? We would venture to guess that the answer is somewhere between ‘absolutely none’ and ‘not not nearly enough’. You can go …read more Continue reading Drink Water on Schedule or Else Flood Your Desk
Once upon a time, 3D printing was about churning out tiny Yodas and Pikachus, but these days, useful things are regularly 3D printed too. A great example is this centrifugal …read more Continue reading 3D Printing A Centrifugal Water Pump
Once upon a time, 3D printing was more of a curiosity than a powerful tool, with many printing trinkets and tchotchkes rather than anything of real use. However, over the years as technology and techniques have progressed, we now see more application-ready builds. This water pump from [Let’s Print] is …read more
Having a few plants around is a great way to liven up your living and/or working space. They look nice, you get to watch them grow and change, and some types of plants can actively improve the room’s air quality. But let’s face it — even the easy ones require …read more
Imagine a tub overflowing with bubble bath, except it’s a club dancefloor and music is pumping all night. This is what is known as a “foam party” — a wild and exciting concept that nonetheless many are yet to experience. The concept exploded in popularity in Ibiza in the 1990s, …read more
Continue reading Building a Foam Machine from a Leaf Blower and a Water Pump