Diamond Fox – part 1: introduction and unpacking

In this short series of posts, we will take a deep dive in a sample of Diamond Fox delivered by the Nebula Exploit Kit (described here). We will also make a brief comparison with the old, leaked version, in order to show the evolution of this product.



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Game Controller Cuts the Rug

There’s an iconic scene from the movie Big where [Tom Hanks] and [Robert Loggia] play an enormous piano by dancing around on the floor-mounted keys. That was the first thing we thought of when we saw [jegatheesan.soundarapandian’s] PC joystick rug. His drum playing (see the video below) wasn’t as melodious as [Hanks] and [Loggia] but then again they probably had a musical director.

At the heart of the project is, of course, an Arduino. An HC-05 provides a Bluetooth connection back to the PC. We thought perhaps an Arduino with USB input capability like the Leonardo might be in use, …read more

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