[SANS ISC Diary] Another Day, Another Malicious Behaviour

I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Another Day, Another Malicious Behaviour“. Every day, we are spammed with thousands of malicious emails and attackers always try to find new ways to bypass the security controls. Yesterday, I detected a suspicious HTTP GET request: … [Read more]

[The post [SANS ISC Diary] Another Day, Another Malicious Behaviour has been first published on /dev/random]

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Malicious macro using a sneaky new trick

We recently came across a file (ORDER-549-6303896-2172940.docm, SHA1: 952d788f0759835553708dbe323fd08b5a33ec66) containing a VBA project that scripts a malicious macro (SHA1: 73c4c3869304a10ec598a50791b7de1e7da58f36). We added it under the detection TrojanDownloader:O97M/Donoff – a large family of Office-targeting macro-based malware that has been active for several years (see our blog category on macro-based malware for more blogs). However, there wasn’t… Continue reading Malicious macro using a sneaky new trick