WikiLeaks released a new set of CIA cyberwarfare documents on Thursday, marking the 10th installation in the two-month-old Vault 7 series. This publication focuses on Pandemic, a CIA project that infects networks of Windows machines through the Server Message Block (SMB) file sharing protocol with trojanized versions of software that can mean complete compromise of targeted devices. The documents date from April 2014 to January 2015. The latest release contains less contextual data and documents than most previous Vault 7 publications, prompting questions from experts about the exact operation of the Pandemic malware. For example: How does get into the Windows kernel in order to replace normal files with spyware? And why is this document dump seemingly less complete than others? “Why it’s missing is anyone’s guess,” Williams said. “But you don’t see the operator manual, etc. Everything else, with the exception of MARBLE (which is a library) has a user guide. This does […]
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