Privoro Announces Air Force Contract

I’m happy to share that the Air Force, through its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, has awarded Privoro a prototyping contract for our government smartphone security solutions. You can learn more by reading our press releas… Continue reading Privoro Announces Air Force Contract

US Air Force Hacked for Good at HackerOne’s Bug Bounty Event

By Uzair Amir
106 Security Flaws Identified in Operationally Significant DoD Websites under
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Poorly-configured online backup leaks US Air Force documents

Sensitive records related to the United States Air Force has been found exposed publicly on the internet, allowing anyone with a web connection to peruse them without authorisation and no need for a password.
Read more in my article on the Bitdefender … Continue reading Poorly-configured online backup leaks US Air Force documents

Bombing The Sky For The Sake Of Radio

If you are familiar with radio propagation you’ll know that radio waves do not naturally bend around the earth. Like light and indeed all electromagnetic radiation if they are given a free space they will travel in a straight line.

At very high frequencies this means that in normal circumstances once a receiver moves over the horizon from a transmitter that’s it, you’re out of range and there can be no communication. But at lower frequencies this is not the case. As you move through the lower end of the VHF into the HF (Short Wave) portion of the spectrum …read more

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