I’m calling the API of a third party, and have to pass the credentials as parameters in a HTTPS URL. Is that safe?

Basically I am doing a GET on this URL from SAP:

The third party webservice does use IP-whitelisting, and they have whitelisted o… Continue reading I’m calling the API of a third party, and have to pass the credentials as parameters in a HTTPS URL. Is that safe?

I’m calling the API of a third party, and have to pass the credentials as parameters in a HTTPS URL. Is that safe?

Basically I am doing a GET on this URL from SAP:

The third party webservice does use IP-whitelisting, and they have whitelisted o… Continue reading I’m calling the API of a third party, and have to pass the credentials as parameters in a HTTPS URL. Is that safe?

Is credential in URL obsolete (or should I be bold to drop support for it)? [duplicate]

As we know, it is possible to include username and password in the authority part of an URL. I see it’s still being documented in MDN. BUT:
Would I do people a favor if I drop support for it in my web protocols library?
Answer in question … Continue reading Is credential in URL obsolete (or should I be bold to drop support for it)? [duplicate]

Why do phishing attackers not alter the reference image along with the PGP signature and other content?

I don´t really understand the tech behind that. I don´t understand how the image is not changed by the ones who want to steal from you but the rest of the pgp signature match the phishing site.
The image is from a darknet market and all of… Continue reading Why do phishing attackers not alter the reference image along with the PGP signature and other content?