After losing lawsuit, Microsoft lightens up on pushing Windows 10

A travel agent sued — and won — claiming botched Windows 10 upgrade left computer “unusable”

You can’t get to a billion upgrades without making a few enemies, but Microsoft has found that its aggressive Windows 10 push might have gone a bit too far: After losing a lawsuit, the company has stated that it will make the Windows 10 free upgrade prompts clearer and less persistant.

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Prusa Shows Us the New i3 MK2 3D Printer and Where the Community is Headed

Josef Prusa’s designs have always been trustworthy. He has a talent for scouring the body of work out there in the RepRap community, finding the most valuable innovations, and then blending them together along with some innovations of his own into something greater than the sum of its parts. So, it’s not hard to say, that once a feature shows up in one of his printers, it is the direction that printers are going. With the latest version of the often imitated Prusa i3 design, we can see what’s next.

The printers from Prusa research are my recommendation for anyone …read more

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Darknet Moving Servers & Upgrades Etc

So way back, this was the site 10 years ago when it launched in 2006 – not ALL that much different from today to be honest. The current theme you see here has been in use since April 2010, so almost 6 years as of February 2016 – and it’s come time to change. Which […]

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