IT threat evolution Q1 2021

SolarWinds attacks, MS Exchange vulnerabilities, fake adblocker distributing miner, malware for Apple Silicon platform and other threats in Q1 2021. Continue reading IT threat evolution Q1 2021

IT threat evolution Q1 2021. Non-mobile statistics

In Q1 2021, we blocked more than 2 billion attacks launched from online resources across the globe, detected 77.4M unique malicious and potentially unwanted objects, and recognized 614M unique URLs as malicious. Continue reading IT threat evolution Q1 2021. Non-mobile statistics

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020-2021. EU statistics

In the EU, 70% of user computers experienced at least one Malware-class attack, 115,452,157 web attacks and 86,584,675 phishing attempts were blocked. Continue reading Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020-2021. EU statistics

Good old malware for the new Apple Silicon platform

As we observe a growing interest in the newly released Apple Silicon platform from malware adversaries, this inevitably leads us to new malware samples compiled for it. In this article, we are going to take a look at threats for Macs with the Apple M1 chip on board. Continue reading Good old malware for the new Apple Silicon platform