The True Cost of Your Uber Ride Is Much Higher Than You Think

Investor reports reveal riders only pay 41 percent of the full cost of each ride, with investors footing the remaining 59 percent. Continue reading The True Cost of Your Uber Ride Is Much Higher Than You Think

Automate the Freight: Robotic Deliveries Are on the Way

Seems like all the buzz about autonomous vehicles these days centers around self-driving cars. Hands-free transportation certainly has its appeal – being able to whistle up a ride with a smartphone app and converting commute time to Netflix binge time is an alluring idea. But is autonomous personal transportation really the killer app that everyone seems to think it is? Wouldn’t we get more bang for the buck by automating something a little more mundane and a lot more important? What about automating the shipping of freight?

Look around the next time you’re not being driven to work by a …read more

Continue reading Automate the Freight: Robotic Deliveries Are on the Way

Automate the Freight: Robotic Deliveries Are on the Way

Seems like all the buzz about autonomous vehicles these days centers around self-driving cars. Hands-free transportation certainly has its appeal – being able to whistle up a ride with a smartphone app and converting commute time to Netflix binge time is an alluring idea. But is autonomous personal transportation really the killer app that everyone seems to think it is? Wouldn’t we get more bang for the buck by automating something a little more mundane and a lot more important? What about automating the shipping of freight?

Look around the next time you’re not being driven to work by a …read more

Continue reading Automate the Freight: Robotic Deliveries Are on the Way

Uber Portal Leaked Names, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Unique Identifiers

Vulnerabilities in UberCENTRAL, a portal used by businesses to facilitate rides, could have leaked the names, phone numbers, email addresses, and unique IDs. Continue reading Uber Portal Leaked Names, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Unique Identifiers