Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey Attended Closed-Door Meeting With President Trump

The meeting lasted 30 minutes, and touched on “the health of the public conversation on Twitter,” according to an internal Twitter email obtained by Motherboard. Continue reading Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey Attended Closed-Door Meeting With President Trump

This Congressman Wants to Build a ‘Digital’ Border Wall that Would Also Provide Rural Broadband

Congressman Will Hurd is the only Republican representing a district along the border, and he wants to use technological solutions to secure the border and possibly close the digital divide. Continue reading This Congressman Wants to Build a ‘Digital’ Border Wall that Would Also Provide Rural Broadband

Trump Admin Secretly Shipped Nuclear Waste to Nevada and State Officials Are ‘Outraged’

“They lied to the State of Nevada, misled a federal court, and jeopardized the safety of Nevada’s families and environment,” Governor Sisolak said. Continue reading Trump Admin Secretly Shipped Nuclear Waste to Nevada and State Officials Are ‘Outraged’

US Carbon Emissions Spike in 2018 to Their Highest Levels in Eight Years

A new report estimates that American carbon dioxide emissions rose by 3.4 percent in 2018, due to Trump’s policies, cold spells, and economic growth. Continue reading US Carbon Emissions Spike in 2018 to Their Highest Levels in Eight Years