SaaS Single Sign-On

Single sign-on solutions, or first generation IDaaS (Identity-as-a-Service) platforms, have been quite popular with IT organizations. However, IDaaS has much more potential than just being SSO. The question IT admins…
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SaaS Single Sign-On

Single sign-on solutions, or first generation IDaaS (Identity-as-a-Service) platforms, have been quite popular with IT organizations. However, IDaaS has much more potential than just being SSO. The question IT admins…
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Why SSO Isn’t Enough

Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions have been a major focus for IT admins ever since web applications were first introduced in the mid-2000’s. However, there is a growing sentiment in IT…
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Outsourced True Single Sign-On™

You could say that the concept of outsourced True Single Sign-On™ is the “holy grail” for IT organizations. Connecting users to the IT resources they need with one set of…
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Outsourced True Single Sign-On™

You could say that the concept of outsourced True Single Sign-On™ is the “holy grail” for IT organizations. Connecting users to the IT resources they need with one set of…
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Future of Web App SSO

Web application single sign-on (SSO) has been an extremely popular category in the identity and access management space. But, as the identity management space changes and evolves, the question is…
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What is Single Sign-On?

Single Sign-On (SSO), a subcomponent within Identity and Access Management (IAM), has traditionally been viewed as the ability to login to web apps like Salesforce, Dropbox, and Slack using one…
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